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Page Section


59 6.1.1 On My Order Understood


CHANGED TO On My Order Understood


61 The council must include all Regional Secretaries, Temple Presidents, and resident sannyasis in the candidates current preaching area. In addition to the ten (or more) local area members, spiritual authorities and senior devotees in good standing from neighboring areas may also be included in the council.




The council must be comprised of at least ten senior devotees in good standing (excluding GBC Zonal Secretaries) residing in the candidates area of activity. The council must include all Regional Secretaries, Temple Presidents, and resident sannyasis in the candidates current preaching area.

66 6.4.6 - 1. and 2. and is unable to function or continue acting as spiritual



and is unable to function as spiritual master

68 6.5.1 name of the section: Rejection of a Fallen Guru


CHANGED TO Rejection of a Fallen Guru

70 6.6.2 as given in Section 7.4


CHANGED TO as given in Section 6.4.1

74 for other regular contact among the various ISKCON devotees guiding the candidate and his prospective spiritual master regarding the spiritual progress of the candidate.


CHANGED TO: for other regular contact between the candidate and his prospective spiritual master and various ISKCON devotees guiding the candidate regarding his spiritual progress.

75 - 4. To accept discipleship into the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya-sampradaya through the Founder-Acarya of ISKCON and to remain faithful to their order and teachings.


CHANGED TO To accept discipleship into the Brahma-Madhva-Gaudiya-sampradaya through the Founder-Acarya of ISKCON and to remain faithful to the order and teachings of Srila Prabhupada and the disciplic succession.

76 - 1. (having received first initiation more than twelve months before)


CHANGED TO (having received initiation since twelve months or more)

77 - 1. strictly followed and practiced devotional service


CHANGED TO strictly practiced devotional service

77 7.2.4 The number of the section is wrong.

7.2.4 Initiation only from approved Gurus

CHANGED TO 7.2.3 Initiation only from approved Gurus


All the numbers of the sections following this one till the end of the 7th Chapter also should be changed accordingly.

78 7.3.1 in ISKCON or its congregations


CHANGED TO in ISKCON or its congregations

78 7.3.1 engage in giving any of the elements of the initiation

ceremony - such as:


giving a devotional name, giving sanctified chanting beads, or

neck beads, or participating in some ceremony or ritual of

commitment - in any number of combination, to other devotees

in ISKCON or its congregations, with the stated or unstated

purpose or effect of creating the resemblance of a formal guru-

disciple relationship.


CHANGED TO engage in giving any of the elements of the initiation

ceremony, to other devotees in ISKCON or its congregations,

with the stated or unstated purpose or effect of creating the

resemblance of a formal guru-disciple relationship. These

include: giving a devotional name, giving sanctified chanting

beads, or neck beads, or participating in some ceremony or

ritual of commitment - in any number of combination.

79 8.1.4 [Name of the section: ]

Standing of Members

CHANGED TO Devotees In Good Standing

79 [Name of the sub-section: ]

Standards for Devotees In Good Standing

CHANGED TO Priviliges for Devotees in Good Standing

79 [Name of the sub-section]

Principles for Determining Who Is In Good Standing

CHANGED TO Principles for Determining Who Is In Good Standing

80 [Omit the number 1 in the beginning of the second



1. Although all respects


Although all respects

80 - 4. association of His godbrothers


CHANGED TO association of his godbrothers

80 - 4. Intimate siksa association is prohibited from non-ISKCON

spiritual masters.


Intimate siksa from and association with non-ISKCON

spiritual masters are prohibited.

81 [It is the repitition of the Omission is proposed for the

2nd edition]

83 Temple-dependent Resident Members shall have the

following obligations and responsibilities



Temple-dependent Resident Members shall have the

following responsibilities:

84 for a sannyasi, party leader or



for a sannyasi, travelling sankirtana party leader or

88 - 1. Right to initiate by an ISKCON guru.



Right to initiate as ISKCON guru.

88 Generally the authority who invested, or given the authority can also divest, the devotee unless otherwise provided for in ISKCON Law.



Generally the authority who invested or gave the authority can also divest the devotee unless otherwise provided for in ISKCON Law.

[commas omitted; given -> gave]

88 8.4.5 fundamental tenants


CHANGED TO fundamental tenets

89 8.4.6 in an appropriate manner or in writing


CHANGED TO in an appropriate manner verbally or in writing

89 for all of ISKCON must be the GBC Body


CHANGED TO for all of ISKCON is the GBC Body

89 provided only that they agree that the ultimate managerial authority for all of ISKCON is the GBC Body, that they will follow all GBC resolutions, and that they accept His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acarya of ISKCON, as the preeminent pure devotee under whose guidance, teachings, and instructions Lord Caitanyas movement should now spread.



provided only that they accept His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder-Acarya of ISKCON, as the preeminent pure devotee under whose guidance, teachings, and instructions Lord Caitanyas movement should now spread, that they agree that the ultimate managerial authority for all of ISKCON is the GBC Body, and that they will follow all GBC resolutions.

90 - 1. at the time of their original departure


CHANGED TO at the time of their departure

90 [In the name of the sub-section: ]

Offence of Accepting Re-initiation and Renouncing Once

Bona Fide Guru


CHANGED TO Offence of Accepting Re-initiation and Renouncing Ones

Bona Fide Guru

90 automatic excommun, ication


CHANGED TO automatic excommunication

92 [The name of the sub-section: ]

To Transgress ISKCON Law Regarding Guru-Disciple

Dealings, Including to Give Sannyasa Initiation Without



CHANGED TO To Transgress ISKCON Law On Guru Behavior Codes

92 misappropriating funds or goods


CHANGED TO misappropriating ISKCON funds or goods

93 8.4.9 If a sannyasi or party leader or



If a sannyasi or travelling sankirtana party leader or

93 8.4.9 and the local GBC representative. The matter should not

be brought before the devotees in general.


CHANGED TO and to the local GBC representative, not to the devotees

in general.

98 [Point 10 is the same as point 4. Point 10 is erased, point 11

becomes 10.]

99 9.4 [The following should be included in 9.4. (Written by Danavir dasa Goswami for

the 2nd edition)]


[ Brahmacari-Asrama ]


9.4.1 Definition:


The brahmacari asrama is the first spiritual order of life wherein celibate

students are trained in the science of Krsna consciousness at the place of

the guru (brahmacari guru-kule). The Vedas enjoin all male members of the

three higher social divisions, namely brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas who

are five years of age and older to be trained in the brahmacari asrama

(kaumara acaret prajno).


9.4.2 Duties:


Along with living simply, practicing celibacy and studying the Vedic

literature, brahmacaris are meant to assist the spiritual master as menial

servants (acaran dasavan nico gurau sudrdha-sauhrdah). Practically a

brahmacari should follow the four regulative principles (no meat, fish or

eggs eating, no intoxication, no illicit sex and no gambling or frivilous

sports), chant at least sixteen rounds of japa daily, attend morning and

evening temple programs and engage the rest of his time under the direction

of his guru and ISKCON authorities.


9.4.3 Eligibility:


ISKCON educates its members to become Vaisnavas and a Vaisnava naturally

demonstrates all the good qualities of brahmanas. Therefore all male

devotees should receive brahmacari training as early as possible.


9.4.4 Priviledges:


A brahmacari---A) is authorized to use the title brahmacari [i.e. Krsna dasa

Brahmacari or Atulananda Brahmacari], B) is entitled to wear saffron dress

as was done during Srila Prabhupadas presence. C) may choose to remain in

the brahmacari status of life without being canvassed to change, D) may

choose to enter either the grhastha asrama or the sannyasa asrama with the

blessings of the spiritual master and under the guidance of the Vaisnavas.


9.4.5 Guidelines:


A brahmacari---A) should not associate closely with women, but when relating

with women, he should see them as mother, B) should be cautious about

associating with men addicted to mundane sexlife, C) should wear a shaved

head with a sikha and kunthi mala, D) should not be inclined to possess

things or earn profits for himself.


9.4.6 Exceptions:


Some new devotees are already married when they join the movement. Such

devotees, like other restrained grhasthas who follow the rules and

regulations of married life, are to be considered, in Srila Prabhupadas

words, " householder brahmacaris". They are, in effect, receiving their

brahmacari training in conjunction with their grhastha training.


99 9.5 - 5. [Point number 5 should be changed to number 3.]

99 9.5 - 3. It is against Vedic and Vaisnava principles for women to take sannyasa, and whereas it is not authorized by Srila Prabhupada, it is resolved that those women rejoining ISKCON after taking sannyasa are free to rejoin their families.



Whereas it is against Vedic and Vaisnava principles for women to take sannyasa, and whereas it is not authorized by Srila Prabhupada, it is resolved that women are forbidden to accept sannyasa. Those women who have taken up sannyasa and want to join ISKCON, have to give up their sannyasa. They are free to rejoin their families.

99 9.5 - 3. commited to celibacy they are welcome to follow


CHANGED TO committed to celibacy she is welcome to follow

102 10.2.4 There be at least


CHANGED TO There shall be at least

103 10.3.2 activities of the temple devotees in the asramas


CHANGED TO activities of the devotees residing in the temple


104 10.4 [Name of 10.4 is typed with mistake]

Affliates of ISKCON



104 10.4.1 Some of the affiliates will be known as Temples.


CHANGED TO Some of the affiliates are to be known as Temples.

105 [Numbers 1 and 2 are not needed in this sub-section. There

should be simply two paragraphs without numbers.]

115 11.3.3 - 2. In the event o the death, or failure to act


CHANGED TO In the event of death, or failure to act

119 12.1.3 [Numbers in this section are wrong. They begin with 2, not

with 1. Thus, numbers 2, 3, 4 should be changed to 1, 2, 3.]

120 12.2.1 - 1a. [Brackets should be removed.]

The worship is only as a vaisnava (This means. did in

South India.)


CHANGED TO The worship is only as a vaisnava. This means did in

South India.

122 12.2.5 - 1. according to the conclusions of this report, which are:


CHANGED TO according to the following conclusions:

125 13.1.2 [Number 1 should be removed.]


126 13.1.3 - 12. To report to the ISKCON Education Office Liaison

(described below) of any known discrepancies in local

follow up of reports.


CHANGED TO To report to the ISKCON Education Office Liaison of any

known discrepancies.

126 - 3. At-Large members


CHANGED TO At-large members

127 14.1 [Separate the whole 14.1 into 3 paragraphs.]


[New paragraph should be after the words: ]

are ISKCONs main work.


[Another new paragraph should be after the words: ]

new devotees and increase the distribution of books.

127 14.1 The guru, whether siksa or diksa, has great power to

increase ISKCONs preaching. Therefore, in cooperation

with the GBC Body


CHANGED TO The guru, whether siksa- or diksa-guru, has great power to

increase ISKCONs preaching, and therefore, in

cooperation with the GBC Body

127 14.1 [Beginning of the sentence and of the 3rd paragraph.]

gurus can impress upon


CHANGED TO Gurus can impress upon

127 14.1 temple and city in Mayapur. And the way to do this


CHANGED TO temple and city in Mayapur, and the way to do this

129 14.2.2 - 2. [quotation marks should be removed.]

129 14.2.4 - 2. [Paragraph under the number 2. should not be in this

section 14.2.4. It is moved to 14.2.2 under the number 4.

The paragraph number 1 in this 14.2.4 remains, but the

number 1. before the sentence is removed.]

129 14.3 - 1. The Temple Presidents should give an absolute minimum


CHANGED TO The Temple Presidents should spend an absolute minimum

129 14.3 - 1. of the Temples income


CHANGED TO of the temples income

133 15.3.2 - 2. [This should be removed: ] (see p.129)

135 Arrangements for sankirtana rights and other aspects


CHANGED TO Arrangements for congregational members to distribute

books and other aspects

137 16.1.2 third world (i.e. India Asia, Africa, etc.) prasad


CHANGED TO third world (i.e. India, Asia, Africa, etc.) prasad

137 16.1.2 to take up the Hare Krsna Food For Life program


CHANGED TO to take up the Hare Krsna Food For Life program

141 18.1

18.2 life members


CHANGED TO Life Patron Members

143 19.1 [The whole section 19.1 should be erased. (Prahladananda

Swamis correction).Thus, the section 19.2 becomes 19.1. All

the numbers of the following sections till the end of 19th

Chapter should be changed accordingly.]


149 21.3 - 2. Regarding all construction projects in India, along with

commissioning money for new projects, we must finish


CHANGED TO Regarding all construction projects in India, along with

commissioning money for new projects: we must finish

150 completion (the twenty-year anniversary of Srila

Prabhupadas foundation stone laying).


[Perhaps this is a mistake. Will be changed in the 2nd


152 - 1. forming new parties, donations, and other means.


CHANGED TO forming new parties, collecting donations, and other


160 23.1 - 3. [Last sentence of this paragraph should be removed: ]


This resolution will not take effect until after the 1990

annual meeting.

160 23.2.1 -3. for mass distribution shall present that book


CHANGED TO for mass distribution shall have to present that book

160 23.2.1 - 14. Any former member of ISKCON who preaches


CHANGED TO Any member of ISKCON who preaches

161 23.5 duplication of any division of ISKCON


CHANGED TO duplication by any division of ISKCON

161 23.5 , i.e, unauthorized


CHANGED TO , i.e. unauthorized

163 2.1 - 2. amara ajnaya guru hoiya


CHANGED TO amara ajnaya guru hana

164 2.1 - 5. as desired of Srila Prabhupada.


CHANGED TO as desired by Srila Prabhupada.

164 2.1 - 8. All ISKCON devotees should encourage disciples in



CHANGED TO All ISKCON devotees should encourage each other in


164 2.1.1 - 1. (Letter to Hamsaduta Swami)


CHANGED TO (Letter to Hamsaduta)

165 2.1. - 7. following a liberated soul; they will achieve the same results


CHANGED TO following a liberated soul they will achieve the same results

165 2.1.1 - 1. do not be in a hurry. (08-21-1968


CHANGED TO do not be in a hurry. (08-21-1968

168 2.1.1 - 4. Guru is only one. guru means, as you


CHANGED TO Guru is only one. Guru means, as you

171 2.1.1 - 5. [Before the second paragraph on the page 171 there is

number 6, which should be removed.]

6. Personally I am humble servant Personally

I am humble servant

172 to drown yourself in sense gratification - do not

become a guru


CHANGED TO to drown yourself in sense gratification. Do not become

a guru

176 2.2.3 [Last three paragraphs of this section are of the different

font, as if quotations. These are not quotations, therefore

must be changed to normal font, the same as the text before.]

176 2.2.4 By 1975, all of those who


CHANGED TO 1. By 1975, all of those who [add number 1]

179 3.2 Specifically, for the last twelve months


CHANGED TO Specifically, at least for the last twelve months

179 3.2 It has been more than one year since


CHANGED TO It has been one year or more since

[In the beginning of the book it is written that it was printed by the BBT in Mayapur. This should be erased, except for the date, October 1997. It was printed in Calcutta.]


Also for the next 2nd edition it is proposed:


- - explain what is basic health care for the temple-dependent devotees,

- - make explicit detailed statement on what are the 4 regulative principles,

to make the statement on what are the authoritative sastras in ISKCON.


The end.


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