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Architecture and Its Roots .

In the course of the development of his physical and mental abilities, man has learned to build. This ability originated in man’s need to find shelter from severe weather, wild beasts and other enemies. First natural rocks, caves and then man-made huts and tents served this purpose. Later on people learned to make primitive dwellings which depended upon the climate and building materials at hand: earth, the bones and skins of animals, stones.

It was much later, with the appearance of the most ancient civilization, that people discovered clay and mastered the art of brickmaking. Having dried the bricks in the sun, the ancient Egyptians built simple houses of four walls and a flat roof above them.

The first house of the ancient people had been built with only one purpose - to give them shelter. Later on, the art of applying beauty, utility, and emotional expression was born. The earliest example of architectural skill are found in Chaldea and Egypt. The Egyptians made use of brick vaults as early as 1540 before our era though the form with post and lintel was general until the time of Romans. The Greeks learned much from Egypt. The Romans learned much from the Greeks.

In our country architecture began to develop in Kyiv Russ. So as we see, the history of architecture is a record of continuous evolution. The characteristic features of the architecture of each country are influenced by geographical, geological, climatic, religious, social and historical factors. Architecture is connected with history of social progress, culture, important events of the life of the people. Each generation writes its biography in the buildings it creates. That’s why we distinguish different architectural groups and styles: Egyptian and Assyrian, European and Indian, Chinese, Japanese, Ancient American and Saracenic architecture.

Thus, we can say that architecture is the art and science of building, the art and practice of designing and building structures, especially dwellings.


# physical and mental abilities - фiзичнi та розумовi здiбностi;

# shelter - притулок; захист;

# primitive dwelling - примiтивне житло;

# to master the art of brickmaking - оволодiти майстернiстю виготовлення цегли;

# vault - склепiння;

# post - стовп; паля;

# lintel - перемичка.


№1. Match the beginning of the sentences to their ends using the information from the text.

1) Having dried the bricks in the a) with only one purpose - sun, the ancient Egyptians ……. to give them shelter.

2) Architecture is connected with b) in the buildings it history ………………….. creates.

3) The first house of the ancient c) built simple houses of people had been built ………. four walls and a flat roof

above them.

4) Each generation writes its d) and science of building, biography …………………. the art and practice of

designing and building

structures, especially


5) We can say that architecture e) of social progress, culture is the art ……………….. and important events in

the life of the people.

№2. Suggest the English equivalents:

· iсторичнi фактори;

· найдревнiшi цивiлiзацiї;

· фiзичнi та розумовi здiбностi;

· архiтектурнi вмiння;

· тривала еволюцiя;

· соцiальний прогрес;

· рiзнi архiтектурнi групи;

· мистецтво та наука про будiвництво;

· примiтивне житло;

· важливi подiї;

· архiтектурнi cтилi;

· будiвельнi конструкцiї.

№3. Make up sentences of your own using the following phrases:

- the development of man’s physical and mental abilities;

- to make primitive dwellings;

- to master the art of brickmaking;

- the history of architecture;

- to distinguish different architectural groups and styles.


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