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Text B.
№5. Read the following words and word combinations and learn their meanings by heart: - prehistoric times – доісторичний час; - to reflect the values and ideals- відображати цінності та ідеали; - harmony – гармонія; - emphasis – наголос, підкреслення; - deep religious faith – глибока релігійна віра; - to inspire a mood of reverence – навівати настрій пошани; - architectural masterpieces – архітектурні шедеври; - skilled craft workers – умілі ремісники; - majestic cathedrals – величні собори. №6. Read and translate the text, write a plan. Retell the text according to the plan. Architecture is one of the oldest art forms. It dates from prehistoric and is found in almost all societies. A society’s architecture reflects the values and ideals of its people. For example, the ancient Greeks stressed discipline and harmony in life, and so they created an architectural style that was balanced and orderly. The beautifully proportioned Greek temple rejects this emphasis on harmonious design. The Middle ages was a period of deep religious faith in Europe. Architects designed cathedrals with arches and towers that seemed to soar toward heaven. Like the Greek temple, the medieval cathedral was intended to inspire a mood of reverence among worshipers. Architects rank among the greatest figures in the history of art. But many architectural masterpieces were designed by skilled craft workers who not professional architects. These people did not consider themselves artists and had no idea that they ha created buildings which critics later would praise as important works of architecture. During the 1600s, for example, colonist in New England built houses that were not primarily designed to be beautiful. Some of these houses have been preserved and are admired today for their skilled carpentry and handsome outlines.
A country house in Finland An airline terminal in New has wooden ceilings and walls. York City consists of a series Specially made furniture harmonizes of dramatic curved forms that with the interior architecture. reflect a feeling of flight. (1) (2) (1) - A sport arena in Rome features a lacelike, curved concrete ceiling supported by a row of graceful concrete columns. (2) - A university campus in Canada has covered walkways and attractively landscaped courtyards between the various buildings. №7. Complete the sentences given below: 1) The ancient Greeks stressed ……... 2) The Middle Ages was a period of ……… 3) Many architectural masterpieces were designed by ……… 4) A society’s architecture reflects……… 5) The ancient Greeks aerated an architectural style that was………
№8. A Translate into English: a) історія мистецтва; b) архітектурний шедевр; c) збалансований архітектурний стиль; d) грецькі храми; e) відчуття (настрій) пошани; f) підніматись до небес; g) гармонійний дизайн; h) професійний архітектор; В Make up your own sentences using these word combinations.