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Indefinite Tense .


1. Ми завжди вчасно звiтуємо нашому керiвництву.

2. Я пишу курсову роботу на тему: “Архiтектура Київської Русi. “

3. Головнi архiтектори регулярно обговорюють цi проблеми та приймають рiшення.

4. Персонал цiєї фiрми невеликий, але квалiфiкований.

5. М-р Смiт працює головним менеджером у цiй фipмi.

Якi задачi ставить перед собою компанiя на цей рiк?

6. Його дружина – службовець.


№13. Translate English proverbs and sayings into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the use of the Present Indefinite Tense.

· Laughter is the best medicine.

· A rolling stone gathers no moth.

· The exception proves the rule.

· A bad penny always comes back.

· He laughs last who laughs longest.

· Time flies.

· Charity begins at home.

· Extremes meet.

· All is well that ends well.

· The customer is always right.


Congratulations and Wishes.

When a person has achieved something or is lucky, happy in some way, we say:

1. Congratulations on

The answer is “ Thank you “.

On the occasion of a festival which is celebrated in Britain or USA, they use:

2. Happy Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Happy New Year!

Happy Easter!

The answer is “ Thank you, the same to you “ or you repeat the greeting.

On the occasion of a festival which is not celebrated in Britain or the USA or in the case it is not widely celebrated they say:

May Day

Best wishes for: { Victory Day

Constitution Day

The birthday greetings are:

Many happy returns of the day!

Happy birthday! (informal)

For engagements and weddings they use:

I wish you every happiness.

Hope, you”ll be happy. (informal)

Congratulations on your marriage. (formal)

I hear you”ve got married. Congratulations (informal)

Have a good journey – to someone who is going to travel somewhere.

Good luck! – to someone who is going to take an exam, or an interview, etc.

№14. Read and translate the illustrative dialogues.


Anna: When will you take your exam on Drawing?

Pavel: I passed it yesterday.

Anna: Congratulations! What is your mark?

Pavel: It is a four.It is my last exam.

Anna: That”s good. You can relax now.Will you go anywhere for your winter holidays?

Pavel: Our American friends invited me to visit New York this month. I am leaving on Monday.

Anna: Oh, good luck! Have a good journey. Also remember me to Mary and John. I do remember the New Year we spent with them last year.

Pavel: Thank you.


The word remember means:

# передати комусь вiтання

# пам’ятати


Peter: Merry Christmas!

Ann: Merry Christmas!

Peter: Also, Ann, I heard you”d married. My congratulations!

Ann: T hank you very much.Time flies. I am married. You are now someone with the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

Peter: Do you remember the time we spent in America some years ago?

Ann: Yes, I do.The Rose Bowl football in California.

Peter: By the way, I go to California to take part in the Conference on Trade Problems.

Ann: Congratulations on participating in such a prestige event!

Peter: Thanks.

Практичне заняття № 8 – 9.

Text A. The Exterior Appearance.

Text B. Durability.

It’s Interesting to Know: A Geodesic Dome.

Grammar: The Present Continuous Tense.

Communication: Apologies.


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