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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

VI. Choose the right terms to the following definitions .

1. town – house

a) forum

b) domus

c) basilica.

2. a quadrangular court of the Roman house

a) villa

b) rotunda

c) atrium.

3. blocks of flats

a) insulae

b) order

c) porticos.

4. suburban or country house

a) interior

b) villa

c) thermae.

5. a colonnaded court

a) facade

b) entablature

c) peristyle.


I. Give the Ukrainian equivalents:

· The Roman Empire;

· the crown of the dome;

· the finest example;

· recessed panels;

· around a colonnaded court;

· excavations;

· separate entrance;

· establishments of great magnificence;

· in many respects;

· a porch with an inscription;

· precious marbles;

· faced with travertine;

· adjoining rooms;

· depended on light;

· direct access to the street;

· with accommodations for baths.

II. Match the beginning of the sentences to their ends.

1. Some remains are well a) or oculus at the crown of

preserved, and ………………. the dome.

2. “ De Architectura “ is…… b) grouped around atrium.

3. The Pantheon is the c) separate entrances with

greatest surviving …………….. direct access to the street.

4. Light is admitted through d) the main source of

a central opening ……………… information of ancient



5. Its 80 entrances were so e) circular temple of antiquity.


6. The domus consisted of f) others are known in

suites of rooms ………………… fragments and by theoretical


7. Independent apartments g) that the building could

had ………………………. be cleared quickly.

III. Increase your vocabulary. Make your own sentences using these verbs:

to derive from; to differ from;

to be covered with; to be faced with;

to be lined with; to be ornamented with;

to consist of; to be built by;

to be surrounded by; to be famous for.

IV. Explain in English.

· Roman predilection for spatial composition;

· a colonnaded court;

· was covered externally with bronze plates;

· independent apartments;

· the whole is built of concrete.

V. Prove the following statements using the information from the text.

1. “ De Architectura “ by Vitruvius is the source of information on Roman architecture.

2. There were three types of houses in ancient Rome.

3. The Pantheon is the greatest temple of antiquity.

4. The Colosseum was the largest and the most impressive amphitheatre of Rome.

5. Imperial thermae were immense establishments of great magnificence.

VI. Give the English equivalents.

· Висвiтлювати майже всi питання по архiтектурi;

· oрганiзацiя лiнiй, поверхностей, мас та об’ємiв у просторi;

· вiдрiзнятися вiд своїх попередникiв;

· aнтична середземноморська цивiлiзацiя;

· групуватися навколо перистиля;

· отвiр у даху;

· сусiднi кiмнати;

· pозкопки в Остiї;

· нерiвна поверхня участку;

· прольоти сходiв;

· метод будiвництва.

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