
Read and write the following dates

9/11.1814; 22/6 1942; 9/V. 1945; 23/11. 1928; 12/1V.1961; 27/10.1977.

2.2. What time is it?

1. What time do you get up?

2. What time do your lectures begin?

3. What time are your lectures over?

4. What time do you have dinner?

5. What time do you go to bed?

2.3. Fill in the blanks with few, little, a few, a little.

1. I could not buy the coat because I had money.

2. Let us buy some ice-cream, I have money left.

3. . pupils speak English as well as she does.

4. There were very people in the streets.

5. We can not play because we have too time.

6. Give me apples.

7. They spent days in the country and then returned to Kyiv.

8. Ask Ann to help you to translate the text; she knows French .

9. Mary works hard at her English. She makes mistakes in her speech.

10. Can you lend me money?


Step 3. Project work discussion. What is Aquaculture?


Read text B, write down unknown words and translate them. Copy out the sentences which characterize aquaculture.

Lesson 1. Text B. What is aquaculture?

The broad term aquaculture refers to the breeding, rearing and harvesting of plants and animals in all types of water environments, including ponds, rivers, lakes and the ocean. Similar to agriculture, aquaculture can take place in the natural environment or in a manmade environment. Using proved aquaculture techniques and technologies, researchers and the aquaculture industry are growing, producing, culturing and farming freshwater and marine species. More specifically, marine aquaculture refers to the culturing of salt water aquatic species, while freshwater aquatic focuses on the culturing of freshwater species. For example, marine aquaculture production includes oysters, clams, mussels, shrimps and salmon, while freshwater aquaculture operations produce trout, catfish and tilapia

Aquaculture is the fastest growing form of global food production and is significant source of protein for people in many countries. Aquaculture now accounts for about 40% of the seafood consumed by humans worldwide and almost half of the seafood consumed by Americans. Aquaculture is already becoming an important factor in the worlds fish markets.


3.2. Organize a discussion with your group-mates on the topic Aquaculture and prove that your variant is the best. Base your arguments on text A and text B. Study the new terms, pick them up in the dictionary, use them in your discussion.

Test 1

Choose the correct answer:

1. I know place where we can go for lunch. a a; b an; c the.
2. Aquaculture is cultivation of aquatic organisms. a a; b an; c the.
3. Recreation fishing is form of capture fishing. a a; b an; c the
4. Culture fisheries are becoming ever more important source of food. a a; b the; c an.
5. Aquaculture will truly be responsible industry. a a; b an; c the.
6. The broad term aquaculture refers to breeding of plants and animals. a a; b an; c the.
7. Marine aquaculture refers to culturing of salt water aquatic species. a a; b an; c the.
8. Aquaculture is fastest growing form of global food production. a a; b an; c the.
9. Half of seafood is consumed by Americans. a a; b an; c the.
10. British Museum is one of most famous among the others. a a; b 0; c the.


Replace the phrase by the Possessive case:

  1. The Dictionary of Webster
  2. The cultivation of seafood
  3. Walk of five minutes
  4. Fish market of the world
  5. The number of the car

Choose the correct answer:

6. Aquaculture a is the agriculture of the oceans;
b is becoming an ever growing source of food;
c involve growing of selected organisms.
7. Seafood a meat;
b chicken;
c fish.
8. Culture fisheries a recreation fishing is a form of culture fishing;
b involve growing of selected organisms;
c can supply a limited amount of food.
  9. Capture fisheries a involve growing of selected organism in a controlled environment;
b the most widely known form of harvesting aquatic organisms;
c refers to the breeding, rearing and harvesting plants.
10. Stock of fish a run of fish;
b school of sharks;
c pride of lions.
11. Recreation fishing a commercial;
b winter;
c hobby.
12. Harvest of the sea a to gather fruits;
b to collect stamps;
c to harvest sea food.
13. Marine aquaculture a refers to the breeding of plants and animals in all types of water environment;
b becomes an important factor in the worlds fish markets;
c refers to the culturing of salt water aquatic organisms.
14. Freshwater aquaculture a refers to the rearing of plants and animals in all types of water environment;
b focuses on the culturing of freshwater species;
c is a form of capture fishing


Unit 2 1.Water Sources 2. Municipal Water Supply and Water Discharge 3. Parts of Speach



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