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My Future Speciality
Are you considering aquaculture as a new business or as a way of diversifying your existing business? If the answer to this question is ‘yes’, then you should ask yourself, “How much do I really know about aquaculture? ” There are many levels of knowledge of aquaculture - from the person who has many years of experience in running a successful aquaculture operation, to the beginner who has an interest in, but really no knowledge of, what aquaculture is or involves. The “art” of aquaculture is very old. World fish farming first practiced as long ago as 2000 B.C. The Bible refers to fish ponds and sluices. Ornamented fish pond appeared in paintings from ancient Egypt. European aquaculture began sometime in the Middle Ages and transformed the “ art” of Asian aquaculture into a science that studied spawning, pathology and food webs. Aquaculture is a form of agriculture that involves the propagation, cultivation and marketing of aquatic animals and plants in a controlled environment. In the historical past, aquaculture remained multilocational and isolated. Each location has evolved its own pattern. But with the development of fast means of communication and travel bridging distances, species are being cultured adopting a measure of standardized practices and sites where they are most suited. Aquaculture is the fastest growing form of global food production and is one of the healthiest and most popular sources of protein for people in many countries. In the broadest sense, aquaculture efforts are focused on creating domestic seafood supply to meet the nation’s growing demand for seafood products. Nowadays, human demand for fish is higher than ever.The salt and the fresh water fishing industries are unable to support our demand for this source of animal protein and omega three, which means that fish farms and the aquacultute industry is booming. Aquaculture now accounts for about 40% of the seafood consumed by humans worldwide. As you see today, aquaculture is not only the art and the science but is the fastest growing production system too. So many thousands of people of different professions and skills are involved in this activity. Scientists with abackground in inbiology and those that have fishery experience are in great demand to determine environmental factors; combat dangerous bacteria; maintain fish health; ensure the overall safety and regulation of fish production. Aquaculturist is one of them. His activity embraces such problems as: producing protein rich, nutritive human food; providing new species and strengthening stock of existing fish in natural and man-made water bodies; production of sport fish to support recreational fishing; production of bait fish for commercial fishing; production of ornamental fish for aesthetic appeal; recycling of human and livestock origin organic wastes; utilization of land and aquatic resource; production of industrial fish; providing means of sustenance and earning livehood. For successful realization of these activities specialists who are engaged in fishing industry need thorough knowledge and skills in engineering, technological and scientific subjects and have to obtain Bachelor or Master Degrees in a chosen speciality. National University of Water Management and Nature Resources Use offers young people the opportunity to get all these. Since 2000 Faculty of Ecology and Nature Resources Use has been training future specialists in the following areas of concentration: Ecology and Environmental Engineering, Agrochemistry and Soil Science, Water Bioresources and Aquaculture. During the first course students who have chosen the speciality of Aquaculturist study general biological and special subjects as: zoology of invertebrate, gystology and embryology, hydrology and hydrobiology, on the third course they study special subjects as: ihtyology, fish farming, ihtiopathology. The study of theory is accompanied by industrial training on fish farms. Graduates of this speciality may find themselves on different fish farming positions as: hatchery technitians, fish farming technitians, food inspectors, aquaculture veterinarians, fish biologists, fish health technicians, fishing tool operators, sanitary surveillance inspectors, specialists in environmental monitoring, in finance and administration, in human resources management, in supply chain and logistics, in sales and marketing. Our University as a Ukranian institution of higher learning represents definite traditions of Ukrainian educational heritage. By means of its curriculum and educational policy it supplies the young men and women with occupational competence and scholarly training necessary to meet engineering and scientific needs. Exercise 2. Answer the following questions: 1. Are there any levels of knowledge of aquaculture? 2. Is the “Art” of aquaculture old? 3. When was world fish farming first practiced? 4. What does the Bible refer to? 5. Where did ornamented fish pond appear? 6. When did European aquaculture begin? 7. Where did the “art” of aquaculture ransformed into a science? 8. What do science of aquaculture study? 9. What changes have brought fast means of communication? 10. What are aquaculture efforts focused on? 11. Is human demand for fish higher than ever today? 12. What is the percentage of the seafood consumed by humans worldwide? 13. People of what professions are involved in the fastest growing production system? 14. What activities perform aquaculturist? 15. Where can specialists of these professions get higher education? 16. Where do you see yourself working in future as a specialist in one of these areas of concentration? 17. What do you think should be changed and improved in future for your better work in fish farming? 18. Do you think that you have to be responsible for those improvements?
Exersise 3. Complete the following sentences: 1. The “art” of aquaculture is....... 2. European aquaculture began....... 3. Aquaculture is a form of....... 4. Aquaculture is the fastest....... 5. The salt and the fresh water fishing industries are...... 6. Aquaculture now accounts...... 7. As you see today, aquaculture is not only...... 8. Scientists with a background in inbiology and those that have fishery experience are...... 9. His activity embraces....... 10. Since 2000 faculty of ecology and nature resources use has been training.... 11. During the first course, students who have chosen the speciality of aquaculturist study........ 12. Graduates of this speciality may find themselves on....... 13. Our University as a Ukrainian institution of higher learning represents..... 14. By means ot its curriculum and educational policy it supplies....
Part 4
Іменник (THE NOUN)
Загальна характеристика іменників
Іменники означають назву предметів і речовин, живих істот, явищ і абстрактних понять.
Число (The Category of Number)
Загальні іменники поділяються на зчислювальні (Countable Nouns) і незчислювальні (Uncountable Nouns), іменники в англійській мові вживаються в однині та множині. Множина іменника утворюється додаванням до форми однини закінчень -s, -es.
Утворення множини іменників (the Plural Number) та правопис їх закінчень
Незлічувальні іменники
Інші способи утворення множини іменників
Відмінок (Case)
Іменник має два відмінки: загальний (the Common Case) (він не має спеціальних відмінкових закінчень) та присвійний (the Possessive Case). Як правило, тільки іменники, які означають назви людей і тварин, можуть мати форму присвійного відмінка.
Утворення форм присвійного відмінка
Артикль (The Article)
Артиклі – це спеціальні частки, які вживаються при іменниках, в англійській мові є два артиклі: неозначений (the indefinite article) – a, an і означений (the definite article) – the.
Артикль a вживається перед словами, що починаються з приголосного: a ball, a map. An – перед словами, що починаються з голосного: an egg, an apple.
Вживання неозначеного артикля a (an)
3 означеним артиклем the вживаються
Вживання артикля з власними іменами
Артикль вживається
3 означеним артиклем the вживаються