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Indefinite Tenses (Active)

Час (Tense) Стверджувальна форма (Affirmative Form) Заперечна форма (Negative Form) Питальна форма (Interrogative Form)
Present I write He She writes It You We write They I don’t write He doesn’t She write It You We don’t write They DoI write? he Does she write? it you Do we write? they
Past I He She It wrote You We They I He She It didn’t write You We They I he she Diditwrite? you we they
Future I shall We He write She It will You They I shan’t We He write She It won’t You They ShallI we he she write? Will it you they

Відмінювання дієслова to be (бути) в Indefinite Tenses

PRESENT I am I am not Am I Yes, I am.
You are You are not Are you he is.
He (she, it) is a He (she, it) is not Is he (she, it) we are.
We are We are not Are we No, I’m not.
You You Are you he is not.
They They Are they we are not.
PAST I was I was not Was I Yes, I was.
He (she, it) He (she, it) he (she, it) he (she, it) was.
You were You were not Were you No, you were not.
We We we we
They They they they
FUTURE I shall be I shall not be Shall I Yes, I shall
He (she, it) will be He (she, it) will not be Will he (she, it) he (she, it) will
You will be You will not be Will you you will
We shall be We shall not be Shall we No, we shall not
They will be They will not be Will they they will not


Відмінювання дієслова to have / have got в Indefinite Tenses

PRESENT I have … have got (~’ve got) I don’t have … haven’t got … Do Have I have …? got …?
You You you
We We we
They They they
He has… has got (~’s got) He doesn’t have … hasn’t got Does Has he have …? got …?
She She she
It It It
! We can use ~ ’ve and ~ ’s with have got, not with have  
PAST I had … I didn’t have Did I have …?
You You you
We We we
They They they
He He he
She She she
It It it
! got – forms are less common in the past.      
FUTURE I shall have … (~’ll have) I shall not have … (shan’t) Shall I have …
We We we
You will have … (~’ll have) You will not have … (won’t) Will you have …
He He he
She She she
It It it
They They they
! You can say: I shall (= will) and we shall (= we will) have …      

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