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Caмостійнa робота № 38
Тема: Туризм. Основні питання, що розглядаються: 1. Туризм-економічний потенціал України. 2. Географічні та кліматичні умови розвитку українського туризму. 3. Відомі туристичні місця України.
Література: 1. Пестрякова Н.В. 111 английских разговорных тем: Для старшеклассников и абитуриентов. – Х.: Торсинг, 1999.-288 с. 2. Ельбрехт О.М., Ельбрехт В.В. Focus on Ukraine. English Student’s Book.- Х.: Веста: Вид-во «Ранок», 2006. – 72 с.
Студент повинен знати: 1. Розвиток українського туризму. 2. Найважливіші археологічні та культурні пам’ятки. 3. Відомі українські композитори. 4. Лeксичний мінімум.
Студент повинен вміти: Poзпoвiсти та oxapaктepизyвати розвиток українського туризму, навести приклади найвідоміших місць відпочинку українців. TOURISM Tourism, as an important factor in inter-branch cooperation and improvement of market relations, is directly linked to the intellectual, cultural and economic potential of Ukraine. Ukraine has great potential for developing tourism: excellent geographic and climatic conditions, historical and cultural resources. Over 125 thousand archaeological, architectural and historical monuments, some dating from then10th—11th centuries, and hundreds of museums reflect the remarkable history of the Ukrainian people, who have made worthy contribution to world culture. The most important and valuable historical, architectural and cultural monuments are concentrated in the regions around Kyiv, Chernihiv, Sumy, Poltava, Cherkasy and in the lands of Halychyna and Podillya. The beauty and significance of these monuments and of objects of art and frescoes found in this area, have become the motivating factor in creating a system of tourist itineraries named «The Necklace of Slavutych» (Slavutych is the ancient Slavic name of the Dnipro River). In recent years tourism has undergone considerable changes. Excellent conditions have been created for good and inexpensive vacations. At the request of foreign tourist companies, a number of tourist itineraries are being explored. Dozens of Ukrainian tourist companies participated in international tourist fairs, exchanges and other meetings held in Berlin, Warsaw, London, Milan and Budapest. Close contacts have been established with the World Tourist Organization. Kyiv hosted three international tourist fairs. At the third fair 362 travel companies from 35 countries took part. Approximately 900 contracts were signed. Ukraine welcomes guests from all over the world to travel throughout its hospitable land.