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Y. Напишіть про ваші улюблені місця відпочинку на території України.



Caмостійнa робота № 39


Тема: Звичаї та традиції в Україні.

Основні питання, що розглядаються:

1. Здібності та характер українця.

2. Християнські свята.

3. Традиції та обряди українців.



1. Пестрякова Н.В. 111 английских разговорных тем: Для старшеклассников и абитуриентов. – Х.: Торсинг, 1999.-288 с.

2. Ельбрехт О.М., Ельбрехт В.В. Focus on Ukraine. English Student’s Book.- Х.: Веста: Вид-во «Ранок», 2006. – 72 с.


Студент повинен знати:

1. Особливі риси характеру українця.

2. Найважливіші свята та їх атрибути.

3. Відомі українські традиції та обряди.

4. Лeксичний мінімум.


Студент повинен вміти: рoзпoвiсти та oxapaктepизyвати відомі українські традиції та обряди, навести приклади деяких з них.


What are the traits of the Ukrainian character? First, there is kindness. There is also hospitality and friend­liness. There is respect for elders, for the deceased; love for children, nature and animals.

Ukrainians have a sense of humour, they are musical, artistic. They are wonderful craftsmen famous for their mas­tery in weaving, wood-carving and ceramics.

But skill and diligence in working the land is perhaps the greatest talent the Ukrainians possess.

Life depended on the rhythms of cultivating the soil. Holi­days were celebrated during periods of transition from one type of agricultural activity to another.

Easter, for example, is a spring holiday. Spring is a time of ploughing and sowing in the fields, a time of warmth and awakening after a cold, hungry winter. In pagan times Ukrainians believed that the gods died and were reborn every year. An example of pagan customs is the dyeing of eggs.

To the Christian Ascension Day (the 40th day after Easter) Ukrainians added a pre-Christian tradition of going to the field to inspect the progress of the wheat.

The Trinity is celebrated in summer, on the 50th day after Easter. Traditionally people decorate their homes with green tree branches and fragrant herbs.

Another summer holiday is Ivan Kupala's Day (on July 7). During the day everyone has to be at least immersed in water. This was the last holiday before the harvest.

August 2, St. Illia's Day, marked the beginning of au­tumn. «Until dinner it's summer, after dinner it's autumn», people said. On the 19th of August, or on «Saviour Day», vegetables, fruit, mushrooms and honey were blessed.

Weddings usually took place in the middle of Oc­tober.

A unique feature of Ukrainian Christmas festivities is the «vertep», or puppet theatre. Young people get to­gether, dress as angels, kings, Herod, Satan, Death, and, even animals. They walk from house to house singing about the birth of Christ, greeting everyone with the holiday.

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