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АУДИРОВАНИЕ. 1. Выйдите по ссылке http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/magazine-articles/student-power-0 на аудио «Student Power»

1. Выйдите по ссылке https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/magazine-articles/student-power-0 на аудио «Student Power»

2. Познакомьтесь со значением приведенных ниже слов и выражений:

strike – забастовка

to refuse – отказываться

to be sacked – быть уволенным

to remain – оставаться, сохраняться

to run the school – управлять школой

to object – возражать

day off – выходной

counterpart – коллега

interruption – прерывание, перерыв


3. Прослушайте аудио «Student Power».

4. Заполните пропуски словами, соответствующими содержанию текста:

Образец: While in many countries it is absolutely …, in Italy it happens almost every year. - While in many countries it is absolutely unthinkable, in Italy it happens almost every year.

1. It seems that almost every … there is a reason to protest.

2. But what is certain, is that very few … object.

3. Others say that the strike … are being manipulated or used by groups from outside the schools.

4. The strikers stood outside the school and shouted and threw things at the ….

5. Students are not allowed to go …, and if they did they would probably face severe disciplinary measures.


Прослушайте текст и укажите, верны или неверны следующие утверждения.

Образец: In Italy strikes happen almost every year.(верно)

1. Most of the protests are national.

2. There are no protests against things like local issues.

3. Students have demonstrations in the streets.

4. In Britain students are allowed to go on strike.

5. Italian students are certainly no less intelligent or knowledgeable than their European counterparts.


6. Расположите предложения в том порядке, в котором они употребляются в тексте:

A And what do students do to protest?
B But what is certain, is that very few students object.
C Problems occurred recently when students from one school which was being occupied marched to another school which wasn’t protesting.
D It is not often that people associate strikes with school students.
E In Britain, and a lot of other countries, such action is unthinkable.
F But in Italy, however, the tradition has remained.

7. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Do people often associate strikes with school students?

2. How often do strikes happen in Italy?

3. How do students in Italy protest?

4. Why did problems occur recently in Italy?

5. What would students in Britain face if they go on strike?

6. What are Italian students’ national averages comparing with their European counterparts?


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