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Сопоставьте аргументы о пользе ведения дневника с их описанием.

Main idea Description
1. You can record special events. a. Getting your feelings written down on paper feels much better than keeping them to yourself. It can also help you think about things more clearly, and maybe even help decide how you feel about things if you are unsure.
2. You can record your thoughts and feelings. b. Practise your language skills and improve your vocab, without worrying about mistakes – it’s for you, not for anyone else!
3. You can record normal events too. c. People take photos so they can remember days out, parties etc. A diary is like a completely personal, written photo, recording the things only you saw in as much or as little detail as you like.
4. This is a kind of therapy after bad days. d. Sometimes, we don’t appreciate what we achieve – writing down a challenge you overcame and how you did it makes you realise this!
5. In fact, it’s therapeutic even on good days! e. You might think that normal days are boring, until you start writing. I’ve started seeing the special aspects of normal events, such as funny remarks or interesting things I’ve seen.
6. You can improve your writing skills. f. You remember how things made you feel on certain days or in certain places, so your memory is more detailed.
7. Why not try a foreign language? g. On the other hand, you can understand things you could have done better, if you have to write something down and consider it.
8. Appreciate your successes. h. Make a hot drink, snuggle into a comfy chair, and take half an hour just for you and your diary. It feels great!
9. Assess your mistakes. i. Practice makes perfect! Seeing your writing develop is very rewarding.
10. You have something to look back at! j. In a year or so, you can see how you have developed as a person. If you revisit a place, you can read what you saw or felt last time. Maybe you’ll even show future generations what you used to be like!

Образец: 1e

2. Ведите дневник на английском языке в течение, по крайней мере, недели. Записывайте не меньше 5 предложений в день. Постарайтесь использовать тот материал, который уже изучили. При необходимости пользуйтесь словарём.


Неделя 12. Тема: Проблемы молодежи


1. Познакомьтесь со значением приведенных ниже слов и выражений:

to cope with smth – справиться с чем-либо

attitude – отношение

to reduce – сокращать

to schedule – запланировать

nourishment – питание, поддержка

expectation – ожидание

to release – освобождать, избавлять

confidence – уверенность

to influence – влиять


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