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Составьте предложения, расставив данные слова в правильном порядке. Образец: is very stressful, can do something about it, Life, just to cope with, but we, the stress

Образец: is very stressful, can do something about it, Life, just to cope with, but we, the stress. - Life is very stressful but we can do something about it, just to cope with the stress.

1. you can reduce this, that’s stress, If you want, by the word S-T-R-E-S-S, to reduce some stress.

2. maybe you can, you enjoy or, and spend time with your pet, You can do an activity, or learn a new hobby, that relaxes you, read a good book.

3. and be realistic, And the next word is ‘E’, is to be true to yourself and others, – ‘E’ is about expectations, about yourself.

4. is ‘S’ again, And the last, word.

5. we should, so everyone, take action, Finally, can beat stress.


5. Сопоставьте следующие слова и их значения:

Образец: 1g

1. to cope with smth a) to make less
2. to release b) a feeling or opinion about smth
3. to schedule c) food or drink to keep a person healthy
4. to reduce d) to offer
5. nourishment e) to plan
6. attitude f) to make free
  g) to deal with a difficult situation or bad luck
  h) to enjoy


6. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам:

Образец: So maybe you have some changes in your life, maybe big change and small change, but instead of being afraid, you should have a positive attitude and think of change as a normal part of life. - What should you do when you have changes in your life, instead of being afraid?

1. If you feel you are too busy, you can cut out an activity or two.

2. Experts say that exercise can reduce stress.

3. If you eat healthy food, then your brain and your body get the nourishment they need.

4. And experts say if you sleep more than seven hours, you will actually get tired.

5. Finally we should take action, so everyone can beat stress.



1. Для борьбы со стрессом необходим полноценный качественный сон. Соедините глаголы со второй частью предложения так, чтобы получилась императивная конструкция:

1. Have a. to go to bed at the same time every night, if possible 8 or 9 hours before you have to wake up.
2. Try b. a milky drink just before bedtime.
3. Don’t   c. before you go to bed. When you have finished studying, read a book, listen to music, watch TV or have a bath to help you relax.
4. Don’t d. off lights, your computer, mobile and any other electrical devices in your room.
5. Drink e. a regular bed time.
6. Have   f. do exercise just before bedtime, but regular exercise earlier in the day can help your body sleep at night.
  7. Relax   g. drink caffeine (colas, tea or coffee) in the afternoons and evenings.
8. Turn   h. water, fruit juices or herbal teas.


- See more at: https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/exams/exam-study-tips/sleep#sthash.HSf9vDG1.dpuf

Образец: 1e

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