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Use only new gasket to prevent oil leakage.


Degrease the tapered portion of the starter clutch/signal generator rotor and also the crankshaft. Use nonflammable cleaning solvent to wipe off the oily or greasy matter to make these surfaces completely dry.

• F it the key in the key slot on the crankshaft, then install the starter clutch/signal generator rotor.


* Apply a small quantity of TH READ LOC K SUPE R " 1303" / " 1305" to the starter clutch bolt.

* Before installing the starter clutch/signal generator rotor, inspect the starter driven gear for smooth movement.

(For U.S.A. model)

99000-32030: THR EAD LOCK SUPER " 1303"

(For the other models)

99000-32100: THR EAD LOCK SUPER " 1305"



Hold the generator rotor bolt with a box wrench a nd tighten the sta rter cl utch bolt to the specified torq ue.


Tightening torque: 85 - 95 N-m

(8.5 - 9.5 kg-m, 61.5 - 68.5 lb-ft)



• I nsta ll the sta rter id le gea r a nd its shaf t.

• I nsta ll the sta rter motor.


* Appl y SUZU K I SUPER GREAS E " A" to the starter motor 0-ring.

* Fit the engine ground wire CD and lead wire clamp ® to the

starter motor mounting bolt.

(For U.S.A. model)

99000-25030: SUZUKI SUPER GR EASE " A"

(For the other models)

99000-25010: SUZUKI SUPER GR EASE " A"



I nsta ll the oi l seal reta i ner a nd positivel y bend the lock portion of t he reta i ner.

• I nsert the cl utch push rod i nto the cou ntershaft.



I nsta l l the neut ra l position i nd icator switch.



When installing the neutral position indicator switch, be sure to locate the spring, CD switch contact ® and 0-ring ®·


Install the water pump.



* Apply SUZUKI SUPER GREASE J'A " to the water pump 0-ring.

* Set the water pump shaft lug CD to the oil pump shaft slit @.



(For U.S.A. model)

99000-25030: SUZUKI SUPER GREASE " A"

(For the other models)

99000-25010: SUZUK I SUPER GR EASE " A"



• Install the piston rings in the order of oil ring, 2nd ring and top ring.


Top ring and 2nd ring differ in the shape of ring face.



• Top and 2nd rings have letter " R " and " R N" marked on the side. Be sure to bring the marked side to top when fitting them to the piston.



• The first member to go into the oil ring groove is spacer CD. After placing spacer, fit the two side rails @. Side designa­ tions, top and bottom, are not applied to the spacer and side rails: you can position each either way.


=- Top



Top c; ng



/; y 2nd ri ng









When installing the spacer, be careful not to allow its two ends to overlap in the groove.



• Position the gaps of the three rings as shown. Before insert­ ing each piston into the cylinder, check that the gaps are so



· 2nd ring

· Lower side

rail ·Upper side



·Top ring IN ·Spacer




When replacing the cylinder stud bolts, tighten them to the specif ied torque.

Tightening torque: 13 - 16 N-m

(1.3 - 1.6 kg-m, 9.5 - 11.5 lb-ft)



The triangle mark on the piston head faces exhaust port side.

• Be sure to install the pistons in the cylinder from which they

were taken out in disassembly, refer to the letter mark, " l"

through " 4", scribed on the piston.

• Have each piston pin moly paste oiled lightly before install- ing it.

• Place a cloth beneath the piston, and install the circlips.


Be sure to use new circlips.

Place the dowel pins and new cylinder gasket on the crank­ case.


Be sure to identify the top surface by nup" mark CD on the cylinder gasket as shown in the Fig.


Use a new gasket to prevent oil leakage.

• Install the piston ring holders to each piston.

09916-74521: Holder body

09916-74530: Band



Place the dowel pins and new cylinder head gasket on the cylinder.


Be sure to identify the top surface by uUP" mark CD on the cylinder head gasket as shown in the Fig.



Use a new gasket to prevent gas leakage.


Tighten the cylinder head nuts to the specified torque with a torque wrench sequentially in the ascending order of numbers.

Tighteni ng torque: 25 - 29 N-m

(2.5 - 2.9 kg-m, 18.0 - 21.0 lb-ft)


After firmly tightening the twelve 8-mm nuts, install one 6-mm bolt ® and tighten it to the specified torque.

Tightening torque: 8 - 12 N-m

(0.8 - 1.2 kg-m, 6.0 - 8.5 lb-ft)



Fit the new 0-rings CD to the oil pipe.

• Apply engine oil to the 0-rings CD.

• Tighten the oil pipe bolts to the specified torque.


Tightening torque: 8 - 12 N-m

(0.8 - 1.2 kg-m, 6.0 - 8.5 lb-ft)



Place the right and left oil hoses and tighten the union bolts to the specified torque.


Install the gaskets to both sides of union.

Tightening torque:

® Upper side: 18 -22 N-m (1.8 -2.2 kg-m, 13.0 - 16.0 lb-ft)

® Lower side: 20 -24 N.m (2.0 -2.4 kg-m, 14.5 -17.5 lb-ft)


Replace the gaskets (© and ©) with new ones to prevent oil leakage.



• P lace t he ca m cha i n gu id e CD properl y.


• W h i le hold i ng down t he ca m chai n, rotate t he cra nkshaf t i n norma l d i recti on to b ri ng the a rrow " CD " ma rk on the signa l generator rotor to the a rrow " CD /1 ma rk on t he cra n k­ case.



Just before placing the camshaft on the cylinder head, apply SUZUKI MOL Y PASTE to its journals, fully coating each

journal ® with the paste taking care not to leave any dry spot.

Apply engine oil to the camshaft journal holders.


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