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Suzumi MOL y paste
• The ex ha ust ca mshaf t ca n be d isti ng uished from that of t he i nta ke by the em bossed letters " EX" (for ex haust) as aga i nst letters " I N " (for i ntake). Si m i l a rl y, the right end ca n be d isti ngu ished by the notch CD at the rig ht end.
• Wit h " CD /1 ma rk a ccu ratel y l i ned u p wit h the ti mi ng ma rk, hold the camshaf t stead y a nd lig htl y pu l l u p the cha i n to remove the sl ack between the cra n k sprocket a nd ex ha ust sprocket. • Exhaust sp rocket bea rs a n a rrow ma rked " 1" i nd icated as CD. Tu rn over the exhaust camshaf t so t hat the a rrow poi nts fl ush wi t h the gasketed su rface of the cyl i nd er head. E ngage the ca m cha i n wi th th is sprocket.
• NOTE: The cam chain is now riding on all three sprockets. Be careful not to disturb the crankshaft until the camshaft journal holders and cam chain tensioner are secured.
• Place the cylinder head oil pipe CD to the camshaft journal holders. NOTE: Fit the washer to each oil pipe union bolt ®·
NOTE: Damage to head or camshaft journal holder thrust surfaces may result if the camshaft journal holders are not drawn down evenly. •
Tightening torque: 8 - 12 N-m (0.8 - 1.2 kg-m, 6.0 - 8.5 lb-ft) CAUTION: The camshaft journal holder bolts are made of special material and much superior in strength compared with other type of high strength bolts. Take special care not to use other types of bolts instead of these special bolts. To identify these bolts, each of them has a figure " 9" on its head.
• Install the cam chain tensioner on the cylinder.
Tightening torque: 6 - 8 N·m (0.6 - 0.8 kg-m, 4.5 - 6.0 lb-ft) 09911-73730: " T" type hexagon wrench (5 mm)
NOTE: The cam chain tensioner is maintained at the proper tension by an automatically adjusted tensioner. Before installing the cam chain tensioner, inspect the smooth movement.
• Pour about 50 ml (1.69 US oz) of engine oil in each oil pocket in the head. NOTE: Turn the crankshaft and check that all te moving parts such as cam follower, camshaft, work properly. CAUTION: Be sure to check and adjust the valve clearance. (Refer to page 2-5.)
(For U.S.A. model) 99104-31140: SUZUKI BOND NO. 1207B (For the other models) 99000-31140: SUZUKI BOND NO. 1207B
• Install the dowel pin, a new gasket and starter clutch cover. • Tighten the cover bolts securely.
CAUTION: Use a new gasket to prevent oil leakage.
(For U.S.A. model) 99104-31140: SUZUKI BOND NO. 1207B (For the other models) 99000-31140: SUZUKI BOND NO. 1207B
CAUTION: Replace the gaskets with new ones to prevent oil leakage.
NOTE: Apply engine oil to the gasket surfaces.
Tighteni ng torque: 8 - 12 N-m (0.8 - 1.2 kg·m, 6.0 - 8.5 lb-ft)
CAUTION: When replacing the intake pipe, use a new 0-ring to prevent sucking air from the joint.