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Function of r egulator
Ignition switch AC generator
SCR " O .(.J..). ", _' ·....
(J.) u, _ -c:: ·u
I O.l I 0
I -' -
L -- - - -- - --- - -- -- - - -
/ /
When the engi ne r/m i n becomes h igher, the generated vol tage of the AC generator also becomes h igher a nd the vol tage between the battery termi na ls becomes h igh accord i ngl y. W hen it reaches the adjusted vol tage of the l.C. (I ntegrated Ci rcu it) and it is tu rned " ON ", a signa l wi ll be sent to the SC R (Thyristor) gate probe and the SC R wi ll be tu rned " ON ". Then, the SC R becomes cond uctive i n the d i rection from poi nt ® to poi nt @. At this ti me, the cu rrent generated f rom the AC generator gets th rough the SC R without cha rgi ng the battery and retu rns to AC generator again. At the end of th is state, since the AC cu rrent generated from AC generator f l ows to poi nt
r --------------------, Ign iti on swi tch
" O .Q..). "...'. ·...-. Cl:: J
C· (..)
• > I.._ " O I a.> ca
L - - - - -- - --- - - --- - -- - - -.J
/ /
CH A R G I N G OUTPUT CH ECK • Remove the seat. • Sta rt the engi ne a nd keep i t ru n n i ng at 5 000 r/mi n wi th l i ght i ng switch tu rned O N a nd d i m mer switch tu rned H I positi on. • Usi ng the pocket tester, measu re the DC vol tage between the battery term i na ls, EB a nd 8. I f the tester reads u nder 13.5V or over 15.5V, check the AC generator no-l oad performa nce a nd regu l ator/rectifier.
When making this test, be sure that the battery is full y-charged Rectif i..e..r_---. lg. switch condition. 1-----....---
STD chargi ng output: 13.5 - 15.5V (DC) at 5 000 r/mi n 09900-25002: Pocket tester
AC G E N E R ATOR NO-LOAD P E R FOR MANC E • R emove the seat and lef t ai r cleaner side cover. • Discon nect t he AC genera tor lead wi re cou pler. • Sta rt the engi ne a nd keep i t ru n n i ng at 5 000 r/m i n. • Usi ng the pocket tester, measu re the AC vol tage between the th ree l ead wi res. I f the tester reads u nder the specif ied vol tage, the AC genera tor is fau l ty.
09900-25002: Pocket tester
AC G E N ERATOR CONTI N UITY CH ECK • Usi ng the pocket tester, check the conti n u ity between the th ree lead wi res. Check that there is no conti n u ity between the lead wi res a nd g rou nd. 09900-25002: Pocket tester
NOTE: When making above test, it is not necessary to remove the AC generator.
Y: Yellow
• Remove the seat a nd lef t a i r clea ner side cover. • D iscon nect the AC generator lead wi re cou pler. • Usi ng the pocket tester (x 1 kn ra nge), measu re the resist a nce between the lead wi res i n the fol l owi ng ta ble. I f the resista nce checked is i ncorrect, repl ace the regu lator/ rectif ier. 09900-25002: Pocket tester
U n it: Approx. kn
NOTE: As transistors, capacitors, Zener diodes, etc. are used inside this regulator/recti fier, the resistance values will dif fer when an ohmmeter other than the SUZU K I pocket tester is used.