Symptom and possible causes
Trouble with starting.
| 1. Starter jet is clogged.
2. Starter pipe is clogged.
3. Ai r lea k i ng from a joint between starter body and carburetor.
4. Ai r lea k i ng from ca rbu retor's joi nt or vacu u m gauge joi nt.
5. Starter pl u nger is not operati ng prop rly.
| Clean. Clean.
Check sta rter bod y a nd carbu retor for tightness, adjust and replace gasket. Check a nd adjust.
Check a nd adjust.
Idling or low-speed trouble.
| 1. Pi lot jet, pi lot a i r jet are clogged or loose.
2. Ai r leaki ng from ca rbu retor's joi nt, vacu um gauge joint, orstarter.
3. Pi lot outlet or bypass is clogged.
4. Starter pl u nger is not f u l l y closed.
| Check a nd clean. Check a nd adjust.
Check a nd clea n. Check and adjust.
Medium-or high speed trouble.
| 1. Mai n jet or mai n ai r jet is clogged.
2. Needle jet is clogged.
3. Throttle val ve is not operati ng properl y.
4. F uel f i lter is clogged.
| Check a nd clean. Check a nd clean.
Check th rottle va l ve for operation.
Check a nd clea n.
Overflow and fuel level fluctuations.
| 1. Need le va lve is worn or damaged.
2. Spri ng i n need le val ve is broken.
3. Float is not worki ng properl y.
4. Foreign matter has ad hered to need le va lve.
5. Fuel level is too high or low.
| Replace. Replace.
Check a nd ad just. Clean.
Ad just float height.