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Final inspection and ajdustment

Af ter i nsta ll i ng the rea r suspensi on a nd rea r wheel, the follow­ i ng adjustments a re req u i red before d rivi ng motorcycle.

* D rive chai n.............................. Page 2-11

* Rea r bra ke............................... Page 2-14

* Ti re pressu re.............................. Page 2-16

* Shock a bsorber............................ Th is page



* Position " 1" provides the sof test spri ng pre-l oad.

* Position " 7" provides the stiffest spri ng pre-l oad. (Factory setting: 4/7)








.-----------_LONTENTS -----------.

TROUBLESHOOTING................................. 8- 1

WIRING DIAGRAM.................................. 8- 9 WIRE HARNESS, CABLE AND HOSE ROUTING 8-12

SPECIAL..... TOOLS............................................................................................ 8-22

TIGHTENING TORQUE................................................................................. 8-25

SERVICE DATA................................................................................................... 8-28







Complaint Symptom and possible causes Remedy Engine will not start, Compression too low

or is hard to start. 1. Valve clea ra nce out of adjustment. Ad just.

2. Worn valve gu ides or poor seati ng of va l ves. Repai r, or replace.

3. Valves misti m i ng. Ad just.

4. Piston ri ngs exceesively worn. Replace.

5. Worn-down cyl i nder bores. R eplace, or rebore.

6. Starter motor cran ks but too slowly. Consu l t " electricalcom plai nts"

7. Poor seati ng of spark pl ugs. Retighten.

Plugs not sparking

1. Fou led spark pl ugs. Clean.

2. Wet spark pl ugs. Clea n and d ry.

3. Def ective ign ition coi l. R eplace.

4. Open or short i n high-tension cords. Replace.

5. Def ective signal generator or ign itor u nit. R eplace.

No fuel reaching the carbu retors

1. Clogged f uel tan k vent hose. Clea n or replace.

2. Clogged or defective f uel/cock. Clean or replace.

3. Def ective car bu retor f loat va l ve. R eplace.

4. Clogged f uel hose or f uel fi lter. Clean or repalce.

Engine stalls easily. 1. Fou led spark pl ugs. Clea n.

2. Defective signal generator or ign itor u nit. R eplace.

3. Clogged f uel hose. Clean.

4. Clogged jets i n carbu retors. Clea n.

5. Va lve clearance out of ad justment. Ad just.


Noisy engine. Excessive valve chatter

1. Val ve cleara nce too la rge. Ad just.

2. Weakened or broken valve spri ngs. Replace.

3. Worn down rocker a r m or rocker arm shaf t. Replace.

4. Camshaf t jou rna l worn and bu rnt. R eplace.

Noise appears to come from piston

1. Pistons or cy l i nders worn down. R eplace.

2. Com bustion chambers fou led with ca rbon. Clea n.

3. Piston pi ns or piston pi n bore worn. R eplace.

4. Piston ri ngs or ri ng grooves worn. Replace.

Noise seems to come from tim ing chain

1. Strectched chai n. Replace.

2. Worn sprockets. R eplace.

3. Tension adjuster not worki ng. Repai r, or replace.

Noise seems to come from clutch

1. Worn spl i nes of cou ntershaf t or h u b. R eplace.

2. Worn teeth of cl utch plates. Replace.

3. D istorted clutch plates, d riven and d rive. R eplace.

4. Worn cl utch release beari ng. Replace.

5. Cl utch da mpers weakened. R eplace the primary d riven gear.


Complaint Symptom and possible causes Remedy
Noisy engi ne. Noise seems to come from crankshaft 1. Rattl i ng bea ri ngs due to wea r. 2. Big-end bear i ngs worn and bu rnt. 3. Jou rna l beari ngs worn and bu rnt. 4. Thrust cleara nce to la rge. Noise seems to come from tra nsmission 1. Gea rs worn or ru bbi ng. 2. Bad l y worn spl i nes. 3. Pri mary gears worn or ru bbi ng. 4. Bad l y worn bea ri ngs. Noise seems to come from water pu mp 1. Too m uch pl ay on pu m p shaf t beari ng. 2. Worn or damaged mecha n ica l seal. 3. I mpeller touches pum p case.     R eplace. R eplace. R eplace. Replace t hrust bea ri ng.     R eplace. R eplace. R eplace. R eplace.     R eplace. R eplace. R eplace.
Slipping clutch. 1. Cl utch control out of adjustment or loss of pl ay. Ad just.
2. Wea kened cl utch spri ngs. R eplace.
3. Worn or d istorted pressu re plate. R eplace.
4. D istorted cl utch pl ates, d riven a nd d rive. Replace.
Dragging clutch. 1. Clutch control out of adjustme nt or too m uch play. 2. Some cl utch spr i ngs weakened wh i le others are not. 3. D istorted pressu re plate or cl utch plate. Ad just. R eplace. R eplace.
Transmission will not shift. 1. Broken gearsh if t ca m. 2. D istorted gea rsh if t forks. 3. Worn gearsh if t pawl. R eplace. R eplace. R eplace.
Transmission will not sh ift back. 1. Broken retu rn spri ng on shif t shaf t. 2. Sh if t shaf t is ru bbi ng or sticky. 3. Distorted or worn gearsh ift for ks. Replace. R epai r. Replace.
Transmission jumps 1. Worn sh if ti ng gears on driveshaft or cou ntershaf t. Replace.
out of gear. 2. D istorted or worn gearsh ift forks. R eplace.
3. Wea kened stopper spri ng on gearsh if t stopper. R eplace.
4. Worn gea rsh if t pawl. R eplace.
Engine id les poorly. 1. Va lve clea rance out of ad justment. 2. Poor seati ng of val ves. 3. Defective val ve guides. 4. Worn rocker a rms or a rm shafts. 5. Spa rk plug ga ps too wide. 6. Defective ign ition coi l. 7. Defective signal generator or ign itor u nit. 8. F I oat-chamber f uel level out of ad justment i n ca rbu retors. 9. Clogged jets or im ba lance of ca rbu retors. Ad just. Replace or repa i r. Replace. R eplace. Adjust or replace. R eplace. R eplace. Ad just. Clean or adjust.
Engine ru ns poorly i n high speed range. 1. Va l ve spri ngs wea kened. 2. Worn ca ms or rocker a r ms. 3. Val ve tim i ng out of adjustment. 4. Spark pug gaps too narrow. 5. I gn ition not advanced sufficientl y d ue to poorl y work i ngti m i ng adva nce ci rcu it. 6. Def ective ign ition coi l. 7. Def ective signa l generator or ign itor u ni t. 8. Float-chamber f uel level too low. 9. Clogged a i r cleaner element. 10. Clogged f uel hose, resu lti ng i n i nadeq uate f uel su ppl y to carburetors. R eplace. R eplace. Ad just. Ad just. Replace ign itor u n it.   R eplace. Replace. Ad just. Clean. Clea n, a nd prime.



Complai nt Symptom and possible causes Remedy
Dirty or heavy exhaust smoke. 1. Too much engi ne oi l i n the engi ne.   2. Worn piston rings or cy l i nders. 3. Worn valve gu ides. 4. Cy l i nder wal ls scored or scuffed. 5. Worn valves stems. 6. Def ective stem seal. 7. Worn oi l ri ng side rai ls. Check with level wi ndow, d ra i n out excess oi l R eplace. Replace. Rebore or replace. Replace. Replace. Replace.
Engine lacks power. 1. Loss of va lve cleara nce. 2. Wea kened va l ve spri ngs. 3. Val ve timi ng out of adjustment. 4. Worn piston ri ngs or cy l i nders. 5. Poor seati ng of val ves. 6. Fou led spark pl ug. 7. Spark pl ug gaps i ncorrect. 8. Clogged jets i n carbu retors. 9. Float-cha m ber f uel level out of adjustment. 10. Cogged ai r clea ner element. 11. Carburetor bala nci ng screw loose. 12. Suck i ng a i r from i nta ke pipe. 13. Too much engi ne oi l. Ad just. Replace. Ad just. R eplace. R epai r. Clea n or repl ace. Ad just or replace. Clean. Ad just. Clean. R etighten. R etighten or replace. Dra i n out excess oi l.
Engine overheats. 1. Heavy carbon deposit on piston crowns. 2. Not enough oi l i n the engi ne. 3. Def ective oi l pum p or clogged oi l ci rcuit. 4. F uel level too low i n f loat cham bers. 5. Sucking ai r from i ntake pi pes. 6. Use i ncorrect engi ne oi l. 7. Defective cool i ng system. Clea n. Add oi l. Replace or clea n. Ad just. Retighten or replace. Change. See rad iator section.


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