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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

Starter Main Course Dessert

____snails____ (12)__________ (14)__________

(11)__________ (13)__________ (15)__________

4. Завершите разговор, вставляя a, an, some or any.

A: Regent Hotel. How can I help you?

B: Hello. I’d like to book ____a____ room, please, for next Tuesday night.

A: Tuesday the 25th? Yes, there are (16)__________ non-smoking rooms on that date. Do you want (17)__________ single or (18)__________ double?

B: A single, please. Is there (19)__________ internet connection in the room?

A: We’ve got wireless broadband in every room.

B: Oh, great. And are there (20)__________ restaurants near the hotel?

A: There are two in the hotel, and three very near the hotel.

B: Great.

5. Закончите предложения. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


They don’t have many vegetarian dishes here. __d__

21 How much _____

22 How many _____

23 I haven’t got _____

24 Are there _____

25 There are _____

a) a lot of people waiting to go through security.

b) cash do you have in your wallet?

c) languages do you speak?

d) many vegetarian dishes here.

e) many flights to Rome this afternoon?

f) much time.

6. Закончите email, используя глаголы в рамке в прошедшем времени. Переведите письмо на русский язык.

give / visit / meet / got / be / have


Dear Sebastian I’m in the New York office this week. Last week, I ___ was ___ in Taiwan and Hong Kong. I (26)__________ a very good meeting with Jimmy Lee in Taipei. I (27)__________ the factory and (28)__________ some suppliers. I (29)__________ to Hong Kong on Thursday. Tony Lam (30)__________ me some samples of his products. See you next week. Inez  

7. Выберите слово или фразу из рамки и заполните пропуски.

enjoy / like / order / try / recommend


A: Are you ready to order?

B: Yes, please. I’d (31)__________ the steak, please.

A: Are there any Chinese dishes?

B: Yes. You should (32)__________ the duck.

A: Do you (33)__________ any vegetarian dishes?

B: Yes, we have vegetarian pizza.

A: What do you (34)__________ for the main course?

B: The beef is delicious.

A: Did you (35)__________ the meal?

B: Yes, it was delicious.

8. Выберите подходящий ответ к каждому вопросу. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Например: Do you want a single or a double? e) A double


36 How much is it per night? _____

37 How many nights are you staying? _____

38 What time do you think you’ll arrive? _____

39 When are you leaving? _____

40 Do you want a room with a bath? _____

a) On Friday.

b) Three.

c) 7 o’clock.

d) Yes, please.

e) A double.

f) €150.

9. Прочитайте и письменно переведите статью.

SMALL ROOMS, BIG IDEA   Five years ago, businessman Simon Woodroffe had a good idea. He was in bed in first class on an international flight when he decided to open a hotel. The bed in the aeroplane gave him an idea. He could open a hotel with rooms like the sleeping area in an aeroplane. Now travellers in some of Britain’s airports sleep in these small, low-cost rooms. The rooms are very small, only seven square metres, but they are very convenient. They are in the airport, so travellers who want only a night’s sleep and a shower can save money and travelling time. Woodroffe calls his hotel “Yotel”. Each room has a TV, a desk and a shower and costs £ 50. You can pay £ 70 for a bigger room that has a couch. Press a button, and the couch changes to a bed. The small rooms are very popular with travellers. Woodroffe thinks he will open more Yotels in city centres. From the Financial Times

10. Отметьте, какие утверждения правдивые (T), а какие ложные (F).


41 Woodroffe had an idea when he was sleeping in an airport. _____

42 He decided to open a hotel with very small rooms. _____

43 His first hotels were in the United States. _____

44 The rooms cost a lot of money. _____

45 An important feature of the Yotel is convenience. _____

11. Выберите правильные окончания предложений – a, b или c. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


46 Yotels are...

a) in the airport. b) only an idea now. c) very near the airport.

47 The Yotel showers are...

a) in the rooms. b) separate from the rooms. c) not included in the price.

48 Yotels have...

a) one type of room. b) two types of room. c) three types of room.

49 Travellers...

a) like the rooms. b) don’t like the rooms. c) aren’t interested in staying at Yotel.

50 Woodroffe thinks Yotel will succeed...

a) only in airports. b) in city centres, too. c) outside of city centres.

12. Напишите e-mail в гостиницу East Side с просьбой зарезервировать вам номер. Используйте информацию в рамке. Попросите гостиницу подтвердить цену номера. Поинтересуйтесь также, есть ли в номере беспроводное подключение к Интернету. Объем письма – не менее 40 слов.


NEW BOOKING Number of rooms: [1] Single [ a ] Double [ ] Number of nights: [2] From: [12 Feb] To: [15 Feb] Smoking [ ] Non-smoking [ a ] Room only [ ] Bed and breakfast [ a ] Bed, breakfast and dinner [ ] Car parking Yes[ a ] No [ ]


From: To: bookings@eastside.com Subject: Room booking Dear East Side Hotel I want to book a room at your hotel. Many thanks. Yours sincerely




1. Прочитайте сведения из биографий трех сотрудников. Затем завершите резюме, вставив необходимые прилагательные. Первая буква каждого прилагательного уже дана. Переведите текст на русский язык.



Mayumi wants to reach the top in her career. She is very good at making things work. She is never late for meetings or appointments.

Boris likes doing things for other people and always does what he promises to do. He has a lot of ideas. He likes to spend time with colleagues and customers.

Matheus is usually calm and spends a lot of time doing a good job. He also encourages other people to work well.


Mayumi is (1) a_______________, (2) e_______________ and (3) p_______________.

Boris is (4) h_______________ and (5) r_______________.He is also (6) c_____________ and (7) s_______________.

Matheus is (8) r_______________ and (9) h_________-________.
He is also (10) m_______________.

2. Найдите соответствие словам (11–15) словам или фразам (a–f).

Например: start __d) begin


11 manufacture _____

12 export _____

13 launch _____

14 employ _____

15 provide _____


a) introduce to the market

b) make

c) have a workforce

d) begin

e) supply

f) sell products abroad

3. Прочитайте информацию о трех машинах. Завершите предложения, сравнивая машины по различным параметрам.

Price Weight Age Quality rating   Alice’s car: £ 10, 000 1, 200 kg 2003 *** Mike’s car: £ 15, 000 1, 800 kg 2008 ***** Bess’s car: £ 5, 000 2, 800 kg 1998 **



Mikes’s car is more expensive than Alice’s car.

Bess’s car is cheaper than Alice’s car.



16 Bess’s car is _________________________ car.

17 Mike’s car is _________________________ than Alice’s car.


18 _________________________ car is Bess’s.


19 Alice’s car is _________________________ than Bess’s car.

20 Mike’s car is _________________________.


21 Alice’s car is _________________________ than Mike’s car.

22 Alice’s car is _________________________ than Bess’s car.

23 The _________________________ car is Mike’s.

4. Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получились вопросы.

Например: she / in / work / Paris / Does /? Does she work in Paris?

24 work / of / they / got / Have / lot/ a? ________________________________________

25 work / she / Why / hard / does /? ________________________________________

26 he / Did / the / company / leave /? ________________________________________

27 a / manager / Was / good / she /? ________________________________________

28 Madrid / Emilio / Does / like /? ________________________________________

5. Выберите подходящую фразу (a–f), чтобы закончить предложения (29–33). Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Например: She often calls d) New York.


29 He works _____

30 It normally takes _____

31 He’s working _____

32 She’s dealing with _____

33 This delivery is taking _____

a) at home today.

b) a lot longer than usual.

c) at home every day.

d) New York.

e) a customer in New York right now.

f) about six weeks to fill an order.

6. Дополните предложения (34–39) словами из рамки. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

get / think / don’t / isn’t / make / is / understand

Например: The problem ____is____ we don’t have enough money.


34 I _______________ what you’re saying.

35 There _______________ enough time to complete the job.

36 Why _______________ we hire some part-time staff?

37 Can I _______________ a suggestion?

38 I’ll _______________ back to you.

39 OK, I’ll _______________ about it.

7. Расставьте предложения (40–45) в правильном порядке (1–7), чтобы получилось вступление к презентации. Переведите вступление к презентации на русский язык.

Например: __ 1 __Good afternoon, everyone. My name’s Julia Gallo.


40 _____ By the end of my presentation, you will have a clear idea of our plans for the launch.

41 _____ Finally, I’ll talk about the advertising and marketing plans

42 _____ Firstly, I’ll give you the background to the launch.

43 _____ My subject today is the launch of our new product, the XE-11.

44 _____ Secondly, I’ll explain the features of the XE-11.

45 _____ There are three parts to my presentation.

8. Прочитайте и письменно переведите статью.


Video conferencing reduces travel for meetings   Recent research shows that most professionals around the world think that internet video conferencing – using an “internet video phone” to see and talk with other people around the world – is very useful. They also think that video conferences can replace business travel for face-to-face meetings. Nearly 1, 000 top executives in many countries were interviewed. About 900 of them agreed that video conferencing, e-mail and instant messaging help make them competitive. Video conferencing saves time, because professionals don’t need to travel for meetings. Also, travelling abroad can be very tiring for business people, but video conferencing is easy. It also saves money on air tickets and hotels. In the past, video conferencing was very expensive. But now you need only an inexpensive camera that connects to your computer, and a low-cost internet video service like Yahoo. Finally, reducing air travel is good for the environment. Mobile phone makers like Samsung, Nokia and Sony Ericsson are introducing mobile phones with video conferencing features, so video conferencing will soon be even easier. From the Financial Times

9. Отметьте, какие утверждения правдивые (T), а какие ложные (F).

Например: This article is about television. __F__


46 Most executives don’t use video conferencing. _____

47 Professionals think that meeting in person is always the best. _____

48 The researchers talked to executives all around the world. _____

49 The research shows that e-mail is also very useful for executives. _____

50 Most of the executives agreed about their answers. _____

10. Выберите правильные окончания предложений – a, b или c. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


51 Video conferencing reduces...

a) competition.

b) e-mail use.

c) travel time.

52 Video conferencing is...

a) easier than travelling to a meeting.

b) more tiring than a face-to-face meeting.

c) the most expensive way to have a meeting.

53 In the past, video conferencing was...

a) more expensive.

b) cheaper.

c) more popular.

54 Video conferencing may help...

a) a declining market.

b) the environment.

c) a company’s sales.

55 The article ends by talking about...

a) new product launches.

b) growing markets.

c) product presentations.

11. Вы и Ваш коллега Пэт хотите полететь на совещание в Барселону. Вы должны выбрать одну из двух авиакомпаний. Напишите электронное письмо своему коллеге, в котором сравните две авиакомпании. Напишите также, какую из двух Вы предпочитаете и почему. Объем письма – 60–70 слов.


National Air EurLo Cost €290 €120 Free meal during flight? Yes No Flights each day 3 1 Arrival times 10: 00 a.m.. 10: 45 p.m. 2: 30 p.m. 6: 30 p.m Other information: National Air flies to Barcelona Airport, which is close to the city (taxi to city centre: €30, journey takes about 25 minutes) EurLoflies to Girona Airport, which is 100 kilometres from the city centre (need to take express train, about €15 return, but the journey is more than an hour).


To: Pat James Subject: Barcelona meeting travel arrangements Dear Pat   All the best




1. Найдите соответствия словам (1–6) из слов или фраз (a–g).

Например: reject g) deny


1 browse _____

2 display _____

3 carry out _____

4 credit _____

5 debit _____

6 verify _____

a) take money out of

b) look for information

c) check

d) show

e) pay money into

f) fulfil

g) deny

2. Закончите описание компании (7–12) фразами из рамки. Переведите текст на русский язык.

annual leave / casual Fridays / face to face / business suit / family names / first names / flexible hours


Most days, I wear a _____business suit_____, but my company has a system of (7)____________________. On that day, I can wear what I like. We’re usually formal with names, too. We don’t use (8)____________________, we call each other by (9)____________________. I work in a small, local office, and my boss is in the main office in another city. That means we often speak on the phone, but we don’t often meet (10)____________________. We have a system of (11)____________________. I work from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., but many of my colleagues work 9–5. I get about fifteen days of (12)____________________. This year, I’m taking my family to Florida.

3. Выберите подходящее слово или фразу, выделенную курсивом (13–18), чтобы завершить описание требований к вакансии. Переведите текст на русский язык.


We need someone who can...

13 arrange / train sales conferences

14 set up / deal with problems

15 lead a team of 50 people / new markets

16 develop / organise new products

17 set up a new branch in Mexico City / customers and their problems

18 increase / lead sales

4. Стэн находится в Риме на двухнедельных курсах обучения. Он пишет электронное письмо своему коллеге в Нью-Йорке. Поставьте глаголы (19–24) в нужном времени: Present Simple или Present Continuous. Переведите письмо на русский язык.


Dear Carl, This course is really good. I ______ ’m learning ______ (learn) a lot. It (19) __________________ (be) very different from my usual office life in New York. In the office, I usually (20) ______________ (not have) time to talk with people because I’m so busy. But here, I (21)____________________ (meet) new people every day. It’s good to talk and get their ideas. And I (22)____________________ (enjoy) the Italian food, too. Oh, the trainer (23)____________________ (start) the next class, so I (24)____________________ (have) to go. See you soon, Stan

5. Бетти и Рик разговаривают о командировке. Напишите глаголы (25-30) в правильном времени: Past Simple или Present Perfect.


Rick Do you travel a lot on business?

Betty Yes. Last year I ______ went ______ (go) to Brazil eight times. What about you?

Rick I (25)____________________ (not travel) this year very much, but last year, I (26)____________________ (spend) six weeks in Johannesburg.

Betty Oh, that’s interesting. One of my colleagues from South Africa (27)____________________ (come) to our office in March. She (28)____________________ (be) here for about three months now.

Rick (29)____________________ (you visit) South Africa?

Betty Yes. I (30)____________________ (go) there about five years ago.

6. Выберите подходящую фразу (a–f), чтобы закончить предложения (31–35).

Например: There’s something I’d like c) to talk to you about


31 Could I have _____

32 One thing we could do is _____

33 The problem is, _____

34 I think you _____

35 I’m not sure _____

a) a word with you?

b) should explain things clearly.

c) to talk to you about.

d) that’s a good idea.

e) he doesn’t listen.

f) talk to him first.

7. Эд проводит интервью с Бет о приеме на работу. Закончите вопросы Эда (36–40) в соответствие с ответами Бет. Переведите интервью на русский язык.


Ed What ____ did ____ ____ you ____ ____ learn ____ from your last job?

Beth I learned to ask questions.

Ed And what (36)________’__ __________ __________?

Beth Well, I had a problem with travelling. I didn’t like travelling so much.

Ed That’s OK. This job doesn’t have any travel.

Do you have any (37)__________ __________?

Beth Well, I’m good at languages, and people say I’m good at listening.

Ed What do you want to do (38)__________ __________ __________?

Beth I want to become a tea leader. But my main aim is to be happy in my work, and be happy in my home life.

Ed Oh, I see. That’s a good aim. And what do you do (39)__________ __________ __________ __________?

Beth I really enjoy cycling. And when the weather is rainy, I love reading books.

Ed Good. OK. Now, do you have (40)__________ __________?

Beth Yes, I’d like to ask you about...

8. Определите функцию (a–f) каждого предложения (41–45).

Например: What time is good for you? a) Asking


41 My flight was late. _____

42 What day suits you? _____

43 Sorry I didn’t make it. _____

44 I’m afraid I can’t make 2: 00. _____

45 I can do Friday. _____

a) Asking

b) Agreeing

c) Declining

d) Apologizing

e) Giving an excuse

9. Прочитайте и письменно переведите статью.


CULTURAL DIFFERENCES IN BUSINESS COMMUNICATION There are big cultural differences between North American business people and business people in Europe and Asia when it comes to using the telephone and e-mail. North Americans like e-mail more than they like the telephone. E-mail is a “one-way” message. You can write an e-mail at any time. The person who receives the e-mail can read it later. This is convenient. Another cultural difference is voice mail. American executives will leave a message on voice mail if there is no reply. European executives, on the other hand, prefer two-way communication, such a phone call or face-to-face meeting. They don’t like to use voicemail. They prefer to call back later, when they can have a conversation. And professionals in the Asia-Pacific region dislike one-way communication even more than the Europeans do. What about telecommuting (working from home, but doing business by phone and e-mail)? Half of North American business people say they like working alone. Telecommuting is very common there. 59% of American business people telecommute a least once a month. Less than 30% of European workers do. They prefer to be in the office, working with their colleagues face to face. So be careful. If you’re working with people from other countries, try to understand their feelings about different types of communication. From the Financial Times

10. Отметьте, какие утверждения правдивые (T), а какие ложные (F).


46 People everywhere use e-mail in the same way. _____

47 North Americans prefer e-mail to the telephone. _____

48 Asians and Europeans think voicemail is very convenient. _____

49 An e-mail message is an example of two-way communication. _____

50 Face to face communication in business is very important in the Asia Pacific region. _____

11. Выберите правильные окончания предложений – a, b или c. Переведите предложения на русский язык.


51 Telecommuting is more..... in North America than in Europe.

a) popular b) difficult c) expensive

52 North Americans say they don’t mind working......

a) in the office b) alone c) in Europe

53 More than half of..... business people telecommute every month.

a) American b) Asian c) European

12. У Вас назначена встреча с коллегами, чтобы определиться с планом встречи представителей отдела сбыта из Польши. Используйте программу и заметки, чтобы написать неофициальный отчет о встрече в форме электронного письма. Объем письма – около 80 слов.

Time Activity Notes 8: 45 a.m. Polish team arrives at airport Who’s going to meet them? – Edith 9: 45 a.m. Coffee and informal talk Who should come? – the sales team 10: 15 a.m. Meeting Who should lead the meeting? – Eric 12: 45 p.m. Lunch Company restaurant or local Italian restaurant? – company restaurant afternoon Factory tour Who will lead tour? – Veejay 4: 00 p.m. Question and answer time and coffee Who will lead this? – Tamsin 5: 00 p.m. Polish team go to hotel Who will go with them? – Edith


Subject: Visit from the Polish sales office   Dear team In our meeting earlier today, we discussed the programme for the visit and agreed the following:   Edith...



1. Пометьте следующие слова из списка буквой ‘ C ’, если это название страны, и ‘ N ’, если это название национальности. Переведите их на русский язык.

Например: German __N__


1 Greek _____

2 Dutch _____

3 Russia _____

4 Turkish _____

5 France _____

6 China _____

7 Spanish _____

8 Japanese _____

9 Swedish _____

10 Denmark _____

2 Вставьте подходящее слово. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

short / heavy / big / early / long / fast

Например: I can’t carry this box. It’s too heavy.


11 I think 7.30 is too _______________ for a meeting.

12 I have a lot of books, but no space. My office isn’t _______________ enough.

13 Taxis always drive too _______________. It isn’t safe!

14 Mike’s presentations are too _______________! Last week, he talked for four hours!

15 Jane’s report was too _______________. It didn’t give nearly enough information.

3 Выберите подходящую фразу (a–e) и вставьте в пробелы

Например: __c__ to the cinema on Friday night.


a) I often play

b) I never listen

c) I love going

d) I work

e) I quite like watching

f) I don’t like going

16 _____ to the gym.

17 _____ golf on Saturdays.

18 _____ TV after work.

19 _____ to CDs. I’m not keen on music.

20 _____ from home once a month.

4 Заполните пропуски глаголами have, haven’t, hasn’t или got.

A ________ you (21)__________ any meetings today, Jake?

B No, I (22)__________. (23)__________ you?

A Yes. Three.

A I’ve (24)__________ a problem with my new office.

B What’s the problem?

A It (25)__________ got internet access.

5 Расположите слова в каждой строке, так чтобы получилось предложение.


I / phone, / the / can / please / use /?

Can I use the phone, please?


26 he / work / time / on / Does / come / to /?


27 Who / she / to / does / report /?


28 time / start / you / work / do / What /?


29 you / go / business / on / trips / often / How / do /?


30 always / Do / early / get / they / up?


6 Заполните пропуски предлогами in, on, at, from или to.



Are you travelling __ to __ New York? Ace Cars can...

  • meet you _____ 31 the airport.
  • take you _____ 32 the city centre _____ 33 a luxury car.
  • drive you _____ 34 your hotel to meetings or take you shopping and sightseeing.

And _____ 35 Friday and Saturday night, we can show you the best nightlife with our special guided tour.

Call now! 212-404-8833

7 Молли и Сэм беседуют на конференции. Она представляет себя и своих коллег. Заполните пропуски нужными вспомогательными глаголами:

doesn’t / is / are / do / isn’t / aren’t

Molly Hello. My name ___ is ___ Molly Edison. I work for Carolina Consulting.

Sam Oh, hello. I’m Sam Amos, and these (36)__________ my colleagues, Bill Carter and Emma Crumb.

Bill, Emma How do you do.

Molly How do you do.

Bill, Emma – are you architects?

Emma No, we (37)__________.We’re engineers.

Molly And where (38)__________ you work?

Bill We’re with AK Designs.

Molly Oh, yes. I know Arnold Ricks. He works for AK Designs.

Emma Yes, that’s right. But he (39)__________ here at the conference with us. He (40)__________ like flying!

8 Подберите наиболее подходящий вариант отклика (a–f) на каждое высказывание.

a) Not bad, thanks.

b) Hi, Jane. Good to see you again!

c) No, thanks.

d) Goodbye.

e) Nice to meet you.

f) Yes, please.


A: Another coffee?

B: __ c __

41 A: How’s business?

B: _____

42 A: Would you like a drink?

B: _____

43 A: Hello, Mike.

B: _____

44 A: My name’s Ian.

B: _____

45 A: See you later.

B: _____

9 Выберите лучшее продолжение (a–f) для предложений (46-50).

Например: I want part number BV-35, __e__.

a) no instructions in the package.

b) the TV you delivered last week.

c) microwave.

d) missing.

e) not BB-25.

f) incorrect.

46 There’s a piece _____

47 I’m phoning about my _____

48 There are _____

49 I’ve got a few problems with _____

50 The invoice is _____

10 Прочтите статью и ответьте на вопросы. Переведите статью на русский язык.


  Clara Furse is not a big woman, but she has a big job: chief executive of the London Stock Exchange. It is one of the biggest exchanges in the world – $504 billion in shares is traded every day. That’s more than Tokyo’s And New York’s exchanges put together! And Furse is the first woman chief executive of the exchange. The London Stock Exchange is also one of the oldest exchanges in the world and is an important part of the British economy. But Furse is Canadian – she was born in Canada and her parents are Dutch. She speaks English, Dutch, French, Spanish and German – all fluently. Furse is a graduate of the London School of Economics. She began her working career in 1979 as a broker. Between 1979 and 1999, she worked for several companies, moving up from broker to director, then managing director. In 1998, Furse became group chief executive at Credit Lyonnais Rouse, and then began her job at the London Stock Exchange in 2000. Fortune magazine says she is one of the 50 most powerful businesswomen outside of the US. Though she is very busy at work, her private life is very important to her. When she isn’t working, she spends a lot of time with her three children. Adapted from the Financial Times


51 What is Furse’s job? ___________________________________

52 What is her nationality? ___________________________________

53 How many languages does she speak? ___________________________________

54 What year did she start her first job? ___________________________________

55 How many children has she got? ___________________________________


11 Прочтите статью и выберите нужный вариант для заполнения пропуска.


56 The article says that Furse is _____ to have the job.

a) the oldest person b) the first woman c) the smallest person

57 The London Stock Exchange is _____ the New York exchange.

a) bigger than b) smaller than c) the same size as

58 Furse’s mother and father are _____.

a) Canadian b) British c) Dutch

59 What was Furse’s first job?

a) director b) broker c) managing director

60 How does Furse spend her free time?

a) with family b) preparing for work c) travelling with friends

12 Опишите свой обычный рабочий день. Укажите, что Вам нравится или не нравится делать (50 слов)

On weekdays I usually get up at...



1. Расставьте слова по порядку, чтобы получились вопросы.

Например: Who work for do you?

Who do you work for?

1 How need you money much do?


2 What do do you exactly?


3 How travel does job involve much your?


4 Do often late work you?


5 Could I please the Marketing have Department?


6 Do know you the airport is where?


2 Прочтите предложения. Вычеркните одно из трех слов, выделенных курсивом, которое не подходит по контексту.

Например: Could you repeat / read / put that back to me?


7 I’m phoning to / about / for some information.

8 People at that company never return / leave / call messages!

9 I’m taking a(n) course / taxi / interview.

10 I’ve just downloaded a computer / file / virus.

11 Nintendo founded / launched / introduced the first portable hand-held game system in 1989.

12 They deal / make / earn money by selling educational software.

3 Вставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму: Present Simple, Present Continuous или Past Simple. Переведите текст на русский язык.


A new survey says that currently companies are losing (lose) millions of dollars of business every year through unhelpful and impolite reception staff. The survey interviewed business people last year. Over 70% of people who answered the survey said that most company receptionists (13) _______________ (fail) to greet them politely. 50% said that many receptionists often (14) _______________ (not / smile). The survey concludes that ‘the typical customer (15) _______________ (want) a receptionist to be efficient and friendly’. As one business person said: ‘After a long trip it makes all the difference if you meet a happy face.’ Now, as a result of the survey, many companies (16) _______________ (re-train) their receptionists. One training manager said: ‘At the moment, I (17) _______________ (organise) customer service courses for all receptionists.’ But the survey also says that everyone in the company (18) _______________ (need) to have the skills of the friendly receptionist.


4 Господин Уайт из компании ADH Graphics написал электронное письмо клиенту, господину Кларксону, о визите Уайта в их компанию. Второе письмо он написал другому постоянному клиенту, Роджеру. Строки писем перепутаны. Разделите фразы из двух писем и расставьте их в правильном порядке.


E-mail 1: Dear Mr Clarkson, 0 a 19__ 20___ 21___

E-mail 2: Dear Roger, 22___ 23___ 24___ 25___


Dear Mr Clarkson


Dear Roger


a I’m just writing to confirm my visit on

b and estimates? What size? How many? Please contact me if

c Friday. Could you give me more details about the brochure

d Friday 16th at 10am. I’ll bring the samples for the manual

e you have any other questions.

f you want me to visit.

g Thanks for calling me last

h and estimates for print runs. Please contact me if

5 Прочтите информацию на визитных карточках двух бизнесменов. Затем сравните с диалогом и исправьте ошибки. Переведите диалог письменно.

26 Name: Florent Rondele ____________________ 27 Position: Sales manager ____________________ 28 Company: EMXwear, France ____________________ 29 Specialists in children’s wear ____________________  


30 Name: Mark Van Looy ____________________ 31 Position: Training manager ____________________ 32 Company: Verweij Fashion, Denmark ____________________ 33 For the latest in fashion ____________________  


A: Hello, do you mind if I join you?

B: Er, no, not at all.

A: How do you do? My name’s Rick Van Looy.

B: Hi. Pleased to meet you. I’m Florent Rondele.

A: Are you from around here, then?

B: No, but my company has a store in town. Actually, I live in France.

A: So, what do you do, Florent?

B: I’m in marketing. I work for a retail company. We deal mainly in leisure goods.

A: Do you mean sports equipment?

B: Well, both sports and casual wear. Clothes, shoes, accessories, stuff like that. We have stores in several countries.

A: Sounds like a big operation. How many stores have you got?

B: Nearly fifty in total. And what line of business are you in, Rick?

A: Well, quite similar really. I’m a sales manager for a large Dutch clothing firm, Verweij Fashion – do you know it?

B: Yes, of course. Are you opening a store here, then?

A: Yes, we’re looking at possible sites at the moment.

B: Hm. That can be a slow process. Rick, do you fancy something to drink?

A: Erm, yeah, thanks.

B: Come on, then. There’s a table free over there.

6 Вам нужно оставить сообщение на автоответчике. Вы хотите, чтобы коллега встретил вас в аэропорту. Ниже информация о Вашем рейсе. Напишите текст сообщения.

  Flight Number: LF 385 Airline: Lufthansa Date: 11 June Departure: Paris 1435 Arrival: Warsaw 1705  


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