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Vocabulary. Common law – общее право

Common law – общее право

Judgments – суждения

Case – судебное дело

Court – суд

Сivil law – гражданское право

Сriminal law – уголовное право

Administrative law – административное право

Branch – ветвь

Сivil authority – гражданская власть

Society – общество

To behave – вести себя

Land ownership – владение землей

Property disputes – споры о собственности

Child custody – опека над ребенком

Divorce – развод

Offence – правонарушение

Punish – наказывать

Convict – осужденный

Spare – щадить

Break – нарушать

Punishment – наказание

To curtail – удерживать

Penalty – наказание

Tough – жесткий

Govern – управлять

Government administrative agencies – правительственные административные органы

Private individual – частное лицо

Corporation – корпорация

Non-government entity – неправительственная организация

Above description – вышеприведенное описание

Brief – краткое резюме

Numerous – многочисленный

Solution – решение

Legal aid – юридическая помощь

Law firm – юридическая фирма


England is believed to be the mother of common law. London lawyers in ancient time derived laws from the judgments given in various cases. As the population expanded and the ways and standards kept on changing from time to time, the number of cases brought to courts also increased, resulting in the formulation of civil law and criminal law etc. There are various types of laws based on different areas, but broadly, law has three branches - Civil, Criminal and Administrative law.

Civil Law: Unlike the common law which is derived from the judgements of the past cases, civil law or the Roman law is formulated by a civil authority to guide the people in the society to behave in a systematic manner. Civil law is not based on a specific case or situation; it is for the whole society to follow in general. The cases which fall under on land ownership, property disputes, child custody, divorce etc. The consumer law, family law, employment law, business law, animal law, tax law etc. are fields of Civil law.

Criminal Law: This branch of law deals with the criminal offences. The law plays a major role in containing the criminal activities by punishing the convicts. Criminal law only understands that " Crime is an act that is morally wrong" and will not spare anyone who breaks it. Criminal law is also known as ‘Penal law' as it deals mostly with crimes and their punishments. The law curtails the criminals from repeating the crime by making its penalties tough.

Administrative Law: This branch of Law governs the activities of the government administrative agencies. The law is a branch of Public law also known as regulatory law. Administrative law does not deal with private individuals, corporations or non-government entities.

The above description is just a brief about the major branches of law; there are numerous sub branches to them. Any one lawyer cannot deal with all the areas of law, but there are solutions for finding the legal aid for almost all the areas of law, the Law firms!


1. Why is England believed to be the mother of common law?

2. What are the main branches of law?

3. What is the difference between civil law and criminal law?

4. Why is Criminal law also called Penal law?

5. What does Administrative law deal with?

6. Can one lawyer deal with all the areas of law?


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