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Clothing is the next step. We'll start with the boot, which will be based on a cube and uses a simple image from the internet as a quick reference.

In ZBrush, use Tool: Export to export the model at the third level of subdivision, and then bring that model into 3DS Max, where we'll adjust the boot mesh around the model.

Now we export the boot from 3DS Max using File> export, choosing obj format and setting the dialog as we did before at the beginning of this tutorial.

Back in ZBrush, choose the simple brush tool, and then import the boot using Tool: Import. Changing to the simple brush before the import ensures that the boot model doesn't overwrite an existing 3D model. The, choose as a tool the girl model and draw it on the screen. Finally, use Tool: SubTool: Append.

and we select the boot from the popup list. Now the boot is a subtool of the girl model, and appears in the viewport.

To edit the boot, we click on its entry in the subtool list, it will become a lighter color while the girl becomes darker.

Divide the boot to seven levels of subdivision, and sculpt it as desired. In addition to my normal brushes, I also used the Pinch brush to get in the wrinkles.

Here is a screenshot of the boot after adding all the details.

Now we will add the second boot. With the first boot still chosen in the subtool list, press Tool: Clone,

and then add this new boot to the girl model using Tool: SubTool: Append. The new boot appears in the list of the subtools but we can't see it in the viewport because the new boot is on top of the other boot. So, with the new boot selected in the subtool list we press w to go to move mode, and we can move the new boot by clicking and dragging inside the middle circle of the transpose line.

Now we want to mirror it. For that we will first go to the highest level on the boot, by going to Tool: Geometry: SDiv and moving the slider to the right until we reach the 7th level. Then, click on the Del Lower button that is just under the Sdiv slider. This will delete the lower levels on the boot, and we need to do that in order to apply the mirror modifier tool to flip the boot over, which is done with Tool: Deformation: Mirror

Once we flip the boot, we can then move it to where we want it.

Now we need to recreate the lower subdivision levels that we just deleted, so press Tool: Reconstruct SubDiv a few times until we got our lowest level back. Notice how the slider for the levels is back to 7 levels.

Holding Ctrl-Shift, drag across the lower section on the boot to hide everything outside that area. This gives us a shorter left boot than the right.

Then go back to drawing mode by pressing q and use the Move brush to adjust the boot to the leg. After this we can go up in our division levels to see that all of the detail is still there.


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