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БИБЛИОГРАФИЯ. Aarons, Trudy and Francine Koelsch

Aarons, Trudy and Francine Koelsch. One Hundred and One Language Art Activities. Tuscon, Ariz.: Communication Skill Builders, 1980.

Ames, Louise Bates and Frances L llg. Your Five Year Old. New York: Delta Books, 1979.

__________ Your Four Year Old. New York: Delta Books, 1976.

__________ Your One Year Old. New York: Delta Books, 1982.

__________ Your Seven Year Old. New York: Delta Books, 1985.

__________ Your Six Year Old. New York: Delta Books, 1980.

__________ Your Three Year Old. New York: Delta Books, 1976.

__________ Your Two Year Old. New York: Delta Books, 1976.

Biehler, Robert F. Child Development. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1981.

Bolton, Barbara and Charles T.Smith. Creative Bible Learning Activities for Child­ren — Grades 1-6. Ventura, Calif.: Gospel Light Publications, 1977.

Bolton, Barbara. How to Do Bible Learning Activities for Grades 1-6. Ventura, Calif.: Gospel Light Publications, 1982.

Broman, Betty L. The Early Years in Childhood Education. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1982.


Brown, Catherine Caldwell, ed. The Many Facets of' Touch. Skillman, N.J.: Johnson and Johnson, 1984.

__________ Play Interactions. Skillman, N.J.; Johnson and Johnson, 1985.

Brown, Lowell E. Sunday School Standards. Ventura, Calif.: Gospel Light Publications,


Chance, Paul. Learning through Play. Skillman, N.J.: Johnson and Johnson, 1980.

Clark, Robert E., Joanne Brubaker, and Roy B.Zuck. Childhood Education in the Church. Chicago, 111.: Moody Press, 1986.

Coles, Robert. The Moral Life of Children. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1986. Crystal, David. Listen to Your Child. New York: Penguin Books, 1986.

Dykstra, Craig and Sharon Parks. Faith Development and Fowler. Birmingham, Ala.: Religious Education Press, 1986.

Elkind, David. Children and Adolescents. New York: Oxford University Press, 1970.
___________. The Hurried Child. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley Publishing Com­
pany, 1981.

__________ A Sympathetic Understanding of the Child. Boston: Allyn and Bacon,


Fowler, James H. Stages of Faith. San Francisco: Harper and Row Publishers, 1981.

Harrell, Donna and Wesley Haystead. Creative Bible Learning for Young Children — Birth through 5 Years. Ventura, Calif.: Gospel Light Publications, 1977.

Haystead, Wesley. Teaching Your Child about Cod. Ventura, Calif.: Gospel Light Pub­lications, 1974.

Hendricks, William L. A Theology for Children. Nashville, Tenn.: Broadman Press, 1980.

Kesler, Jay, Ron Beers, and Lavonne Neff, eds. Parents and Children. Wheaton, III.: Victor Books, 1986.

Ketterman, Grace and Herbert Ketterman. Baby and Child Care. Old Tappan, N.J.:

Fleming H.Revell, 1982.

Klein, Karen. How to Do Bible Learning Activities for Ages 2 — 5. Ventura, Calif.:

Gospel Light Publications, 1982.

Montessori, Maria. The Secret of Childhood. New York: Ballantine Books, 1966.

Mussen, Paul H., John A.Conger, J.Kagan, and Aletha Huston. Child Development and Personality. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1984.

Newell, Arlo, ed. Fun and Learning. Anderson, Ind.: Warner Press, 1983.

Phillips, Mike. Building Respect, Responsibility and Spiritual Values in Your Child.

Minneapolis: Bethany House Publishers, 1981.

Richards, Lawrence O. A Theology of Children's Ministry. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1983.

Striker, Susan. Please Touch. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1986.

Stuart, Sally E. Teaching and Reaching Junior Resources. Anderson, Ind.: Warner

Press. 1984.

__________ Teaching and Reaching Kindergarten Resources. Anderson, Ind.:

Warner Press. 1984.

__________ Teaching and Reaching Primary Resources. Anderson, Ind.: Warner

Press, 1984.

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