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The game of time and space


We are not limited by time. The Sufis say: “Before God, we must live as if we had one minute, before men as if we had a thousand years.” That is to say, one second is eternity, and what is important is to expand it.


In India there lives a woman who hugs everyone who comes to her, and these people receive an incredible illumination. This same thing can be achieved if you feel and you concentrate in space. Create the force, an infinite force. Strengthen your heart. Then let the infinite and the eternal enter you. I am the one who does the hugging, but there are millions and millions of beings in my spirit, millions of worlds, millions of activities in my arms. And all future time comes: I stand beside infinity, and I stand beside eternity. Being in the moment explodes our prison.


When you go in search of a guru, you are searching for what you yourself cannot do: you want someone else to do for you what you should do yourself, because you think you cannot do it alone. But the guru has not received this gift from the sky, he has made it himself, he has created it. He has worked to achieve it. You too can achieve it!


We cannot remain the little capricious child who says: “You have hurt me, you have hit me, for this I do nothing. I have nothing inside me, I am not creative.” ENOUGH! We let the child we have inside us grow up. This being is a millionaire being; I am a millionaire. Before me there was all this, and after me there is much more. Here are all the separated human beings. But I am able to perform a union. When I move, all human beings move. It is like a yoke that represents the feeling of space and of time. And it all moves—this is important. Instead of asking others to move me, I have to move me myself. This is I, this is time, this is space. It is a sacred yoke. I am united. This is what I call a point of traction. From this point, everything moves. I can consider myself a point of strength. What I do, everyone does. That is to say, it is important that I do so everyone can do. When we do this exercise, we do it in the middle of eternity, in the middle of the infinite; we are the point of traction of humanity. Of humanity past and humanity future. All of the dead follow us; all of the unborn follow us. All of this will seem very strange, but in reality it is Buddhist thought! It is what Buddha has felt, simply. Our brains are made like this. When you open your brain, in a natural way, you arrive at this.


These are not just words, they are exercises in creativity. We cannot be cowards or be afraid to truly enter into what human beings are. We are beings with all these capacities, but we’ve allowed ourselves to be limited. We are in this moment, here and now. I. But it is not like this! It is the Everything that is here and now. All of humanity is within me. I am everyone who has been and everyone who will be. I live in the middle of all of space. This is when we can understand the symbolic gesture where the palm of the hand faces forward: “I am here, and I stop the world.” An artist should think like this and consider these problems in making her work.


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