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Bless the world


Another exercise: I am in eternity, feeling myself in the middle of the infinite future and the infinite past. I open my hands and close my hands. I make a benediction. That is to say, I am in eternity, and I bless the world. This is all. You have to do it like this, because a creator is absolutely paranoid. God is created. And we don’t have to be afraid of taking ourselves for gods or goddesses. I bless you: I have a lot to give. I am strong. I possess everything that I need in order to bless the world. Enough with the inferiority complexes! With all of this you already have the means that the founders of sects usually deploy. They brainwash you so that you admire in them a superior power that you don’t imagine you have in yourself, but you can have it also. Just clean out all the darkness, because we are full of spider webs. Push that child inside, get him good and clean, make him grow up. Because we have a guard, the mind, that makes us react the same way all the time. But by doing this exercise, you are converted into a creator. No one can do anything to you, except kill you, and not even that, because there is eternal life. That is to say, you are invincible. And everything that exists you can have. If talent exists, I can have talent. Look now how I lift my hands to the infinite; they are going to infinity: I take life. In the same way that I can give energy, I can take it. All of creativity. I can have. All the money in the world, I can have. Everything another has. Beauty? I can have beauty. Energy? I can have energy. All of this is for me. I can take and I can give. It is easy to imagine. It is like a game.


But to take is also difficult, because we have limits on receiving. When they ask us, “Who are you to have this? ” “Why you? ” This is what my parents said when I left Chile to study with the mime Marcel Marceau. In my case the answer was: “Why not? ” And I did it. I knocked on his door, and I worked with him. I challenged the prohibition. And that’s it. If you feel beautiful, you will be. You will be beautiful! You will be fascinating! You can fascinate people! But you don’t conceive of yourself as a fascinating being. You come here to learn to be fascinating, because you can be. People simply see you as you see yourself. If I consider myself inferior, others will see me as inferior. But if I see myself as a god or goddess—that is the way others will see me! Not everyone, but a lot of people, the necessary ones. For example, we observe famous musicians. The whole world believes they are geniuses because they have previously felt they were geniuses. Then, with time, the myth stops because others start to realize it isn’t so. It can work for a certain period of time, but then we must have the spirit to sustain this, “to feel beautiful.” If this interior feeling ceases and we haven't truly incorporated it, everything undoes itself. Therefore, we must continue with patience, constancy, and perseverance. If we do not persevere, we are not creators. Creation is, before everything else, voluntary. Our creative action is an accumulation of strength and patience.


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