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I. Suggest Russian equivalents of the following expressions.


1. обеспечивать исполнение законов; 2. сообщать о любых беспо- рядках; 3. представить доказательства в пользу кого-либо; 4. признать невиновным в совершении преступления; 5. беспокоить, тревожить об- щество; 6. нарушать гражданские свободы; 7. назначать преступникам суровые наказания; 8. обвинять кого-либо в краже денег; 9. признать кого-либо виновным в чем-либо; 10. заявлять о невиновности; 11. пре- следования по расовому признаку; 12. защита от лиц, совершающих на- сильственные преступления; 13. снимать отпечатки пальцев; 14. снимать отпечатки следов обуви; 15. пристраститься к наркотикам; 16. жестокое обращение с ребенком; 17. бороться с преступностью во всем мире.

II. Suggest English equivalents of the following expressions and use them in sentences of your own based on the text.


1. criminal underworld; 2. inform on criminals; 3. take a reward for doing smth; 4. undergo intensive training; 5. be expert in; 6. investigations into murder; 7. fight against crime; 8. be subject to strict control; 9. search property for evidence; 10. exceed powers; 11. wrong smb; 12. take action in the courts against smb; 13. obtain confessions; 14. administer justice;

15. confess to the crime; 16. admit to offences; 17. to search property for evidence and clues; 18. inadmissible evidence.


III. Match the expressions on the left (A) with their proper translation on the right (B).



1. Value Added Tax(VAT) a. собирать информацию о преступле-

нии по всей стране

2. acquit smb. of charge of… b. признаться в преступлении

3. pride in the police c. оправдать по делу о...

4. turn to crime d. НДС – налог на добавленную стоимость

5. deny civil liberties e. отвергать гражданские свободы

6. discriminate against ethnic f. рассматривать, разбирать дело minorities

7. make a false complaint g. гордость за полицию against smb

8. gather information on crime h. проводить дискриминацию этнических

from all over the country


9. handle a case i. встать на преступный путь

10. make a confession to the j. подать необоснованную жалобу на




IV. Guess the concept of the following definitions.


1. men and women belonging to a department of government concerned with the keeping of public order

2. violent outburst of lawlessness by the people in a district

3. punishment for wrongdoing, for failure to obey rules

4. breaking of a rule

5. people suffering from illness of the mind


V. Give definitions of these words. Use the dictionary. Suggest the word-combinations in which these words can be used.


1. enforce; 2. investigation; 3. crime; 4. evidence; 5. justice.


VI. Match the words on the left (A) with their definitions on the right

(B) and give their Russian equivalents.



1. handle a. look carefully at, through, or into (in order to find smth or smb)

2. report b. give a legal decision that smb is not guilty

3. acquit c. start legal proceedings against smb

4. blame d. deal with

5. search e. fix on smb the responsibility for smth done

(badly or wrongly) or not done

6. punish f. give an account (of smth seen, heard, done)

7. prosecute g. treat differently

8. discriminate (against) h. cause (smb) suffering or discomfort for wrongdoing

9. gather (information) i. do the work of a judge

10. administer justice j. gain little by little


VII. Complete the text with the words from the box.


to enforce, are concerned, committing offences, powers, gathering, impose,

suspected of, to be prosecuted, offence, search, the police (3)

The police have many functions in the legal process. Though they mainly with criminal law, they may also be used judgments made in civil courts. As well as information for offences in the courts, the police have wide to arrest, and question people crimes and to control the actions of members of the public during public demonstrations

and assemblies. In some countries,

have judicial functions; for

example, they may make a decision as to guilt in a drivingand a fine, without the involvement of a court. In Britain, when someone is found in possession of marijuana, may confiscate it and issue a formal warning rather than refer the matter to a court. The mere presence of is a factor in deterring people from.


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