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VIII. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions or adverbs where necessary.


1. The Department employs inspectors who guard pollution and other damage the environment.

2. They had a system conscripting ordinary citizens to walk

the streets or to report any disorder.

3. A serious crime resulted a sentence death.

4. He was acquitted the charge stealing the lace, but was found guilty failing to give information.

5. These cases resulted serious injustice and had a profound effect the whole criminal justice system.

6. The fear inspired those criminals afflicted the whole society.

7. They were criticized discriminating members of ethnic minorities.

8. It is easy a criminal who is upset being caught and fearful the consequences, to make a false complaint.

9. It is worth remembering that the police receive awards

outstanding bravery and service the community – arresting

armed criminals, carrying dangerous operations.

10. These branches of the force deal

investigations murder and other violent crime.

the most serious


IX. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary.


1. Одним из наиболее серьезных преступлений является покуше- ние на гражданские права.

2. В обязанности полиции входит обеспечение соблюдения законов.

3. Полиция имеет право обыскивать собственность, стремясь най- ти доказательства.

4. Некоторые страны слишком слабы, чтобы бороться с терроризмом.

5. Подсудимый был признан невиновным в совершении престу- пления.

6. Подсудимый был обвинен в жестоком обращении с детьми, но на суде был оправдан по этому делу, хотя общественное мнение было крайне против.

7. Так как террористические акты будоражат все общество, нака- зания их исполнителям должны выноситься очень строгие.


Grammar revision




I. Analyse the structure of the following complex sentences and translate them into Russian paying attention to the use of:


1. Absolute Participle Construction:

a. We still have special constables, one of the best known being Nigel

Mansell, a member of the Cornwall Police Force.

b. They have also resulted in very significant changes in the law, some being made on the direct recommendation of the Law Commission.


2. Gerundial Complex:

a. This problem of confessions being obtained by oppressions, or from weak or frightened people who are easily ‘suggestible’, has been taken very seriously.

b. Dr Crippen could not bear the thought of his wife standing in the way of their happiness.

c. If the police see that the law is about to be broken, they have the power to intervene to prevent that happening.


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