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VIII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian.


1. Solicitors act as legal advisers, but they are also the side of legal profession whose job it is to provide detailed records of a process as it pro- gresses.

2. Solicitors may be fortunate enough to have some ideal clients, but not every client has a family fortune to protect or bequeath.

3. It may not be long before solicitors are given the same rights of audi- ence as barristers.

4. The Law Society is the professional body to ensure that solicitors work properly.

5. Everyone who does not have some special exemption and who wish- es to qualify as a solicitor must also take a legal practice course and must then enter into a two-year training contract with a firm of solicitors.


IX. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions from the box.


on behalf of (on smb’s behalf) (2); in (3); of (4); to (2); for; with (3);

from; by; after.



1 At one time solicitors were people who were paid to solicit

their clients the Court of Chancery.

2. It is essential that solicitors should have a good knowledge

the law.

3. As recorders, solicitors are expected to organise a record

what happens a case.

4. Family solicitors are sometimes thought as ‘country solicitors’.

5. Family solicitors are sometimes referred as ‘high street solicitors’.

6. Very often solicitors assist employees and employers cases involving allegations unfair dismissal, or claims redundancy payments.

7. As advocates, solicitors actually go court and present and ar- gue cases their clients’.

8. Solicitors must comply certain rules made the Law So- ciety as to how they should look their clients’ money and assets.

9. The solicitor’s relationship a client is usually more personal than that a barrister.

10. Anyone a degree law will receive exemptions

certain examinations and move quickly a legal practice course.


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