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VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. The jury reached its verdict after only a few minutes, and it was by no means unusual in the State Trials for the jury not to retire at all.


1. The jury reached its verdict after only a few minutes, and it was by no means unusual in the State Trials for the jury not to retire at all.

2. As the years went by juries trying criminal cases did become increasingly courageous and independent.

3. In recent time there have been strong moves to reduce the right to trial by jury.

4. We may agree that the defendant’s right to be tried by jury is a very important symbol of our democracy.

5. Those who advocate drastic change may not fully understand that our “adversarial” system of justice, where parties investigate their own cases and call their own evidence, is geared to trial by jury and not to trial by judge.



VIII. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.


naturally; easily; hardly (2); especially; onwards; immediately; often; heavily;

afterwards; specially


1. It is therefore surprising that there was a great deal of violent and drunken crime.

2. As the religious leaders of the community, they played an important part in some of the early forms of trial.

3. This was a trial at all; it was more a licence to kill.

4. Anyone accused of crime would find that he was dependent upon the opinion of his neighbours.

5. Oath helpers could be bribed to ensure the acquittal of a guilty man, and they did just that.

6. From this time, an accused person would first face the grand jury.

7. In cases of treason, severe laws and rules of procedure were in force.

8. They had been chosen by the Sheriff as being “dependable”.

9. Raleigh’s jury reached its verdict after only a few minutes, and it was by no means unusual in State Trials for the jury not to retire at all, but to announce their guilty verdict.

10. Shortly, major constitutional freedoms were guaranteed in the

Bill of Rights 1689.


IX. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions from the box.


of(7); by (2); against (2); for (4); at (2); to(3); in (2); after.


1. Following an accusation crime a man, it had to be shown the local people, who were known as jurors, that there was some evidence that he had committed a crime.

2. this time the system trial jury as we know it today was unheard.

3. In the great State Trials treason or other serious crimes, all but the bravest juries would return the guilty verdicts expected them.

4. 1603, the beginning the reign James I, Raleigh was tried


5. He was duly sentenced death, but a period imprisonment

the Tower of London he was –political reason – allowed his freedom.

6. The judge, who was the Recorder of London, fined each them

disrespect the court wearing hats.

7. He had seven bishops prosecuted “seditious libel” – the offence

publishing words exciting disaffection the Crown.

8. this time James II was so deeply unpopular Parliament that, when last the bishops came trial, the jury found them not guilty.


one time it was possible


criminal trials to

challenge up seven jurors giving any reason.

10. They had to decide whether a prisoner should stand trial ordeal.

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