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II. Skimming. Find in the text the information about:


Find in the text the information about:


1. Sir Winston Churchill’s warning

2. witches, witchcraft and witch-finders

3. famous executioners; what famous executioner Jack Ketch was famous for

4. the wages of executioners

5. children, sentenced to death

6. what London Bridge was used as

7. about people who were killed for their religious beliefs

8. the fate of John Kemble

9. benefit of the clergy

10. Lord Byron, a great uncle of the poet

11. the greatest escape of all times

12. hulks

13. dungeons

14. Elizabeth Fry, one of the noted reformers

15. transportation abroad

16. reluctance of America to accept transported convicts

17. penal servitude

18. pillory

19. ducking stool


Vocabulary Work




I. Suggest Russian equivalents of the following expressions and use them in sentences of your own based on the text.


1. innocent; 2. confess; 3. ensure; 4. loss of liberty; 5. transportation;

6. grip of superstitions; 7. dispatch; 8. be tried; 9. offend; 10. condemned;

11. benefit of the clergy; 12. scot-free; 13. abolish; 14. dungeon; 15. plea;

16. penal servitude; 17. associated labour; 18. impose; 19. plot;


II. Suggest English equivalents of the following expressions and use them in sentences of your own based on the text.


1. обвинение; 2. нести наказание; 3.смертная казнь; 4. тюремное за- ключение; 5. телесное наказание; 6. защита ссылкой на невменяемость;

7. убийство; 8. государственная измена; 9. заговорщик; 10. непредумыш- ленное убийство; 11. оправдать; 12. налагать наказание; 13. отбывать наказание по приговору; 14. депортировать, высылать; 15. одиночное

заключение; 16. освобождение по специальному разрешению; 17. лжес- видетельство.

III. Match the expressions on the left (A) with their proper translation on the right (B).


1. culprit a. оправдывать

2. confess b. позорный столб

3. associated labour c. нарушение закона, произвол

4. pillory d. обвиняемый

5. acquit e. обобществленный труд

6. excess f. игнорирование, пренебрежение

7. neglect g. каторжные работы

8. penal servitude h. одиночное заключение

9. separate confinement i. наложить наказание

10. impose j. признаваться


IV. Guess the concept of the following definitions.


1. Discharge completely (as from an obligation or an accusation).

2. The voluntary violation of an oath or vow either by swearing to what is untrue or by omission to do what has been promised under oath; false swearing.

3. Establish or apply by authority.

4. The act of killing, killing a great number of human beings.

5. Kill with quick efficiency.


V. Give definitions of these words. Use the dictionary. Suggest word-combinations in which these words can be used.


1. plot (n); 2. plea (n); 3. abolish (v); 4. inflict (v); 5. mistreat (v);


VI. Match the words on the left (A) with their definitions on the right (B)

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