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VIII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. Unlike solicitors barristers have the right of audience in any court in the land.


1. Unlike solicitors barristers have the right of audience in any court in the land.

2. Although many barristers do a variety of work, a growing number now specialise in just one or two aspects of litigation.

3. All professional barristers are self-employed, although normally a number of barristers will as a matter of convenience share offices, which are known as barristers’ chambers, and have their work organised by the same manager, who is called a barrister’s clerk.

4. One of the finest days in the life of any law student is the day of his or her “Call to the Bar”.

5. The Bar (barrister’s profession) is governed by the Inns of Court and the Bar Council.

6. When a person is charged with high treason the case is prosecuted personally by the Attorney-General.

7. Often a year of pupilage is split into two parts, with the young barristers spending six months with one “pupil master” and six months with another, in order to gain a wider experience.

IX. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions from the box.


for (4); in (2); of (8); on; at (2); from (2); to (2)


1. one time pupils had to pay their masters their apprenticeship, but no longer.

2. The Attorney-General is responsible appointing the Director

Public Prosecutions and the Director the Serious Fraud


3. There is one important ingredient the art advocacy:

the fearless presentation cases.

4. Today barristers usually do most their work their own circuits.

5. Barristers write opinions the request solicitors.

6. The term “barristers” derives the fact that when they qualify they are “called the Bar”.

7. Distinguished advocates have time time been asked

the secret their success; understandably, they have usually made light them.

8. All students reading the Bar have to join one the Inns of Court.


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