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II. Skimming. 1. Look through the first part of the text and decide which of the following statements is correct:


1. Look through the first part of the text and decide which of the following statements is correct:

a. A growing number of barristers now specialise in just one or two aspects of law.

b. Like solicitors, barristers can work in partnership with one another.

c There is no dress code for barristers.


2. Look through the text and say whether the following statements are correct:

a. Both barristers and solicitors have rights of audience in any court of the land.

b. Inns of Courts are situated in different circuits.

c. Each of the circuits elects a “Leader” who oversees the standards of the profession “on circuit”.

d. Two of the most important lawyers in the country are the Attorney

General and the Solicitor General.


Vocabulary Work




I. Suggest Russian equivalents of the following expressions and use them in sentences on your own based on the text.


1. in-house lawyer; 2. fee; 3. the Bar; 4. legal circuit; 5. barrister’s clerk;

6. counsel’s opinion; 7. advocacy; 8. Attorney General; 9. pupilage; 10. Bencher;

11. on circuit;


II. Suggest English equivalents of the following expressions and use them in sentences of your own based on the text.


1. участвующий в деле адвокат; 2. право выступать в суде; 3. обвине- ние (сторона в уголовном процессе); 4. Королевская прокуратура; 5. конто- ра адвоката; 6. профессиональное обучение; 7. секретарь адвоката.


III. Match the expressions on the left (A) with their proper translation on the right (B).



1. litigation a. учебные заседания

2. robe b. государственная измена

3. magistrate’s court c. адвокатура

4. partnership d. кодекс поведения

5. lawyers of distinction e. мировой суд


6. qualifying session f.судебный спор, тяжба, процесс
7. Code of Conduct g.мантия (адвоката, судьи)
8. the Bar h.выдающиеся юристы
9. high treason i.товарищество


IV. Guess the concept of the following definitions.


1. A manager who organises the work of barristers, arranging court appearances and meetings between clients, solicitors and barristers.

2. One of geographical areas into which the country is divided and around which the High Court judges travel as they try the most important cases around the country.

3. Ancient legal societies situated in central London and having the exclusive right of call to the Bar. Every barrister must belong to one of them.

4. Presenting and arguing a case in court.


V. Give definitions of these words. Use the dictionary. Suggest word- combinations in which these words can be used.


1. barrister’s chambers; 2. counsel’s opinion; 3. conference; 4. Solicitor



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