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II. Suggest English equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.


1. совершеннолетие; 2. за исключением предметов первой необхо- димости; 3. составлять завещание; 4. отказать в справедливом судебном разбирательстве; 5. вмешиваться в систему правосудия; 6. установить вину; 7. подвергать несовершеннолетнего подсудимого запугиванию, унижению и страданиям; 8. бессрочный судебный запрет; 9. в противоре- чии со статьей Европейской конвенции; 10. поставить вне закона / запре- тить телесное наказание детей; 11. объявлять незаконным, запрещать, объявлять (кого-л.) вне закона; 12. завоевать доверие ребёнка; 13. логич- ность / последовательность / связность информации / доклада / отчета;

14. руководствоваться насущными интересами ребёнка; 15. уровень жиз- ни; 16. развиваться в полной мере.

III. Match the expressions on the left (A) with their proper translation on the right (B).


1. the age of majority a. решающий принцип / закон

2. child abuse/ill-treatment b. задержание / заключение под стражу

3. binding contract c. бессрочный судебный запрет

4. overriding principle d. последовательность информации

5. detention e. поворотное решение суда

6. supervision order f. юридически обязывающий договор

7. community sentence g. совершеннолетие

8. permanent injunction h. приказ об осуществлении надзора

9. landmark judgment i. жестокое обращение с детьми

10. the consistency of the account

j. наказание в виде исправительных (об- щественных) работ

IV. Guess the concept of the following definitions.


1. A statement which has not been proved to be true which says that someone has done sth wrong or illegal.

2. A spoken official warning given by the police to someone who has been arrested or who has done sth wrong that is not a serious crime.

3. An order given by a court which tells someone not to do sth.

4. An official written agreement that must be obeyed because it is accepted in law.

5. The general health, happiness and safety of a person or a group; well- being; practical or financial help that is provided, often by the government, for people that need it.



V. Give definitions of these words. Use the dictionary. Suggest the word-combinations in which these words can be used.


1. minor (n); 2. juvenile (n); 3. welfare (n); 4. abuse (n, v); 5. confidence (n)



VI. Match the words on the left (A) with their definitions on the right

(B) and give their Russian equivalents.




1. adoption a. causing people to feel that they have no value

2. binding b. one of the most important events, changes, or discoveries that influences someone or sth

3. consent c. an illegal action or a crime

4. degrading d. the act of legally taking a child to be looked after as your own

5. intimidation e. more important than anything else

6. landmark f. permission or agreement

7. majority g. a period of time when a criminal must behave well and not commit any more crimes in order to avoid being sent to prison

8. offence h. (especially of an agreement) which cannot be legally avoided or stopped

9. paramount i. the age when you legally become an adult

10. probation j. frightening or threatening someone into making them do what you want

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