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V. Give definitions of these words. Use the dictionary. Suggest the word-combinations in which these words can be used.


1. to advance; 2. to deny smb smth; 3. assertion; 4. defy; 5. caution


VI. Match the words on the left (A) with the definitions on the right (B)

And give their Russian equivalents.



1. intimidate a. make smth less good or effective, esp

by causing damage that affects the way smth works

2. litigant b. deliberately make someone feel fright- ened esp. so that they will do what you want

3. impair c. the business activities or the general relationship that you have with another person or organization

4. accommodate problems d. someone who is involved in a disagree- ment that is being examined in a court of law

5. invoke an act e. a discovery or achievement that comes after a lot of hard work

6. disparity f. consider and include something when you are deciding what to do

7. licensee g. someone who has a license to do something

8. breakthrough h. a difference between things

9. public authority i. use a law in order to achieve something

10. dealings j. a state governing institution



VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian:


1. The Court of Appeal agreed to make the order, saying that if the statistics “show racial or ethnic imbalance or disparities, then they may indicate areas of racial discrimination”.

2. Judges must never allow any witness to be bullied or intimidated.

3. We have a commitment to providing equal services and opportunities for all.

4. Some disabilities are so serious that they may make it impossible for the disabled person to attend court at all.

5. The Act introduced four main offences to deal with the problem of racially aggravated violence and harassment.


VIII. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.


abridge; invoked, caution; to uphold; mute appeal; fleeing persecution;

accommodated; to outlaw; employment; refused admittance


1. Problems of disabled people must be sympathetically.

2 The police give a formal more frequently to a white offender (who is not prosecuted) than to a black offender(who is).

3. These laws against discrimination were extended to, housing, and insurance.

4. This law only became an Act after the Parliament Act 1911 was


5. It is the aim of the courts always the laws passed by

Parliament against sexual or racial discrimination.

6. This act was designed racial discrimination.

7. The 14th Amendment to the US Constitution decrees that “no State shall make or enforce any law which shall the privileges or immunities of citizens”.

8. An outstanding cricketer was to stay in the hotel.

9. Protestant refugees, in countries in Western Europe, found safety in Britain.

10. The defendant turned to the lawyer in as he didn’t know how to answer the judge’s question.


IX. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions from the box if necessary.


of (9); by; with (2); from; for (3); in (3); at; against; to (4); on (3); into (0); – (4)


1. It has been the claim some historians that Britain has,

comparison many other countries, been a haven oppression

ethnic and religious minorities; and there are some outstanding examples tolerance.

2. the USA this time, a number dramatic and highly publicised cases advanced the cause racial equality.

3. This was the forerunner a succession statutes designed to outlaw racial discrimination, each carrying the protection discrimination a stage further.

4. The Race Relations Act 1976 made it unlawful to discriminate

racial grounds relation employment, training and education; and

the provision goods and services.

5. 17 June 1998, the course the Inquiry, assistant

Commissioner Johnston, behalf Metropolitan Police apologised

the Lawrence family failing to bring Stephen’s Killers


6. It is unlawful to discriminate anyone because his or her sex.

7. All disabled people must have an equal access justice.

8. Courts now have a duty to comply the Disability Discrimination

Act 1995.

9. They tried to intimidate him doing what they wanted.

10. The judge said that nothing could mitigate the cruelty with which she had treated her child.


X. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the active vocabulary:


1. Оказалось, что это был важный период в развитии законов, на- правленных против дискриминации.

2. Парламент постоянно принимает новые и более жёсткие законы для того, чтобы защитить людей от дискриминации.

3. Было бы глупо считать, что проблем дискриминации больше не существует.

4. Судьи никогда не должны допускать, чтобы свидетелей, будь это свидетель обвинения или свидетель защиты, запугивали.

5. Осознание того, как много вреда может быть причинено меж- расовым (racial) отношениям и делу справедливости предвзятостью (предубеждением) и как много нужно сделать, чтобы устранить этот вред, возникло в ходе расследования по делу Стефана Лоренса.

6. Заместитель комиссара полиции от имени столичной полиции извинился перед семьей Лоренсов за то, что они не смогли предать пра- восудию убийц Стефана.


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