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IX. Complete the sentences with the words from the box. Comment on the case.


1. reveal; 2. relevant act; 3. ordered; 4. administration;
5. leaked; 6. applied to; 7. contempt; 8. to check.


There’s a trade magazine, a magazine which just circulates in the particular industry called ‘The Engineer’. And a young reporter on ‘The Engineer’ discovered that an engineering company was in financial difficulties and he discovered this because someone had him a document. He rang up the company as any good journalist should, in order whether this story was true, and the company immediatelyа court to make them reveal the source. The judge said that he must it and the reasoning was this, that it is true that the, which is called the of Court Act, says that journalists do not have to reveal their sources unless it is necessary that they should do so for the of justice. Well that covers every case and this miserable reporter was therefore by the court to reveal his source – now that couldn’t happen in any other western European Country.

X. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions.


up; at(3); to(8); on(3); of(5); in; for(5); from.


1. Before the Civil Procedure Rules, it was largely the parties, and their legal advisers, to progress the case their own pace, to decide what issues they wanted to have heard and to call whatever evidence they wished

the trial.

2. Now courts must restrict expert evidence what is reasonably re- quired to decide the case, they can order that instead of each party having its own expert, а single ‘joint expert’ can investigate and report a technical problem behalf of all parties.

3. If а defendant does not replythe claim, the claimant may obtain а default judgment – and the court will award judgment in his favour without the need going to trial.

4. In cases of defamation jury trials have acquired а bad reputation as they have to decide how much money should be awarded as compensation

the defamation. Jurors have no experiencethis area, and time time have made some extraordinarily high awards.

5. Civil litigation had become very expensive, with the costs going to court being far too high and out of proportion the amount stake in the case.

6. A person may be sued damages if he commits a trespass some- one else’s land or goods or body.

7. The tort defamation concerns damage reputation.

8. If someone assaults you, you will have a claim trespass the per-



9. The original owner of property creates a legally binding trust, giving

the property trust to another person the benefit of a third person.

10. If a person deliberately disobeys any court order he will be guilty a contempt court and the punishment it is a fine or committal to prison.


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