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I. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Explain why. 1. The court may give а summary judgment for or against the claimant.


1. The court may give а summary judgment for or against the claimant.

2. In civil cases the claimant is to make the court sure about the case.

3. The consideration is one of the main rules for а contract to be enforceable. As regards contribution negligence the court is to apportion damages.

4. All unpleasant or unkind things written or spoken can be made the subject of а claim for defamation.

5. А person can be sent to prison both by а criminal or civil courts.


II. Answer the question about the text.


1. What are the subjects of civil cases? What do civil proceedings concern?

2. How have the civil procedure rules changed since April 1999? How are they tried now?

3. What are overriding objectives of civil cases?

4. What options does the claim activate for the defendant?

5. Which ‘tracks’ are civil cases allocated to? What is typical of each of them?

6. What are the peculiarities of family cases?

7. What are weak points of trials in defamation cases?

8. What is the basic rule of contract law? What does this rule involve?

9. What are the best-known torts?

10. What is а trespass? How is it prosecuted?

11. What are the consequences of negligence? How are cases decided in court?

12. How are cases of negligence or nuisance tried in court? Give an example.

13. What are the complexities of claims for defamation?

14. What does the work of the Chancery Division cover?

15. When are trusts created? What is meant by the term “the administration of trusts”?

16. What is the family Division concerned with?

17. When can the test of reasonableness be applied? Give an example.

18. What does it mean to be somebody’s litigant friend?

19. What are the ways of enforcing court orders in civil cases?


III. Draw up the plan for rendering the text and then summarize it.


IV. Working in pairs find the information on the following themes:


1. The Civil Procedure Rules in Britain nowadays.

2. The best-known torts and the way they are dealt with in civil courts.

3. The Family Division of the High Court; the way private and public law disputes are settled.


V. Discuss the following issues.


1. What is your approach to trying defamation cases? Comment on jury trials in Defamation Cases in Britain.

2. Speak on cases of public and private nuisances. What penalties are most reasonable for them?

3. Think of possible contempt of court cases, of possible decisions of the court.

4. Speak on the legal rights of minors in the civil courts of Russia and





Discrimination and the Law


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