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Vocabulary Notes. 1. The Chancery Court – Канцлерский суд 2. Lord Justice of Appeal – судья апелляционного суда 3. The


1. The Chancery Court Канцлерский суд
2. Lord Justice of Appeal судья апелляционного суда
3. The Queen’s Bench    
  Division Отделение королевской скамьи
4. The Chancery Division Канцлерское отделение
5. The Family Division Отделение по семейным делам
6. The Commercial Court коммерческий суд (коллегия судей для
      рассмотрения торговых дел в отделении
      королевской скамьи Англии)

Reading Comprehension




I. Scanning


Scan the text and finish the sentences using the facts from it.


1. Now the Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) have introduced the system when….

2. Family cases are rather different….

3. To prove something on а balance of probabilities means….

4. The three ‘tracks’ all civil cases are allocated to are….

5. When one of the parties to а contract claims that the other has broken it…..

6. For the contract to be enforceable …

7. Trespass to the person means that….

8. In some cases involving allegations of negligence or nuisance, the court….

9. The Chancery Division covers а number of highly technical areas of the law such as….

10. The work of the Family Division is concerned with….


II. Skimming


Skim through the part where it is said who civil cases are tried by and decide which of the following statements renders the main idea of the given part.


1. All civil cases are always tried by judges and juries.

2. Almost all civil cases are tried by judges alone but for the actions concerning the liberty of the subject and his reputation which juries try.

3. Juries try the majority of civil cases themselves.


Skim through the part about defamation and decide which of the following statements renders the main idea of the given part.


1. Things said in Parliament and in a court of law can be made the sub- ject of an action for defamation.

2. Merely swearing at someone can form the basis for a claim for defa- mation.

3. Slander and especially libel, which would tend to lower a person’s reputation, are the basis for a claim for defamation.


Vocabulary Work




I. Suggest Russian equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.


1. legal remedy; 2. on an equal footing; 3. expert witness; 4. default judgement; 5. summary judgement; 6. small claims track; 7. fast track;

8. assault and wrongful imprisonment; 9. commercial and admiralty cases;

10. contract law; 11. pay damages; 12. obtain a warrant; 13. ancillary relief;

14. supervision order; 15. contempt to court; 16. committal to prison.

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