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Imelda Marcos acquitted


A court in New York has Mrs Imelda Marcos – the widow

of former President Marcos of the Philippines

of fraud and

racketeering. The related to that Mrs Marcos stole more than $200 million from Philippines treasury and used some of it to buy four buildings in New York, as well as jewellery and works of arts.

The Saudi arms dealer and businessman, Mr. Adnan Khashoggi, was

on of helping her by obstructing justice. In Manila, President Aquino expressed disappointmen at the of Mrs. Marcos, and said the ban on her return would remain in effect. However, she added that at the appro- priate time, Mrs. Marcos would have to stand in a Philippines court.

IX. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate prepositions from the box.


to (2); before; for (2); in (9); into; if; from; by (2); with (4); of (4).


1. Before trial a defendant will be charged an offence.

2. A defendant’s trial will usually result a verdict either guilty or not guilty.

3. An indictment will contain only charges offences which may be tried the Crown Court a judge and jury.

4. Appeals convictions the Crown Court go the Court of Appeal.

5. Usually a person charged a summary offence will have to appear

magistrates person.

6. A sentence imprisonment or disqualification may not be passed only a defendant’s absence.

7. these cases a defendant may choose to be tried a judge and a jury the Crown Court.

8. I admit striking him a baseball bat and he was attacking me a knife, but I was acting self-defence.

9. I should be convicted manslaughter and not murder because I was provoked losing my self-control.

10. the fine is less than 200$ the court may order that default

paying it the defendant will go prison seven days.


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