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VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1.Almost all criminal offences are those in which the State prosecutes someone who is alleged to have committed a crime.


1. Almost all criminal offences are those in which the State prosecutes someone who is alleged to have committed a crime.

2. The conspirators were convicted and executed because all conspiracies to commit crimes are liable to be punished in the same way as the crimes themselves.

3. An indictment lists charges against the defendant to enable him to know what he is said to have done.

4. The Court of Appeal may sometimes agree to hear further evidence to help to decide if the conviction is safe.

5. If the appellant was wrongly convicted, the conviction would be regarded as unsafe, and the appeal will be allowed.

6. Summary offences involve motoring offences, minor thefts, assaults, criminal damage, prostitution, drunk and disorderly behavior in a public place.

7. In minor road traffic cases the defendant may be given the option of pleading guilty by post.

8. A defendant may feel that he will have a better chance of being acquitted if his case is heard by a jury.

9. There are cases where the jury will also be expected to decide whether the defendant’s behavior was reasonable in the circumstances.

10. In criminal cases a defendant who is convicted but not sent to prison may be fined, placed on probation or ordered to perform community service.


VIII. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.


acquittal; acquitted; allegations; charges (2); found; not guilty; trial



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