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VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. Lord Woolf’s recommendations were designed to tackle the evils, and resulted in a new procedural framework for the conduct of civil cases known as the


1. Lord Woolf’s recommendations were designed to tackle the evils, and resulted in a new procedural framework for the conduct of civil cases known as the Civil Procedure Rules.

2. The best-known torts are the torts of trespass, negligence, nuisance and defamation.

3. In most cases involving allegations of negligence or nuisance, the court will be concerned to judge whether the claimant has proved that the defendant has in some way behaved unreasonably and that this conduct has been of sufficient seriousness to justify a remedy in the form of compensation or some other court action.

4. The Family Division also deals with other cases involving children, including adoption, where “new parents” take over a child’s care, and wardship, where the court itself takes charge of a child’s affairs.

5. Children are not allowed to sue or be sued; however, they can bring and defend cases in the name of an adult, known as their litigation friend who must act as their legal representative.

VIII. Complete the sentences with the words from the box and answer the questions after the article.


1. heard; 2. conviction; 3. found guilty;

4. prosecuting; 5. a juvenile 6. sentence; 7. court;



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