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Reading Comprehension




I. Scanning.


1. What types of discrimination does the law provide for?

2. Does prejudice still exist in the head and heart of many people?

3. Why do some historians claim that Britain has always been a haven from oppression for ethnic and religious minorities?


II. Skimming.


Choose the correct answer


1. Judges a. must never b. don’t have to allow any witness to be bullied or intimidated.

2. Discrimination at its worst can lead to

a. harassment

b. injustice

c. disability

3. The rights of immigrants must be protected

a. by the law

b. by police

4. Courts must be aware of defendant’s

a. mental and physical state

b. marital status Vocabulary Work Exercises

I. Suggest Russian equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.


1. mute appeal; 2. be riven with racism; 3. impair; 4. incite hatred;

5. invoke an act; 6. abridge privileges and immunities; 7. breach of the law;

8. outlaw slavery; 9. be entitled to damages; 10. refuse admittance; 11. gain acceptance; 12. advance the cause of racial equality; 13. ethnic imbalance and disparities; 14. employment tribunal; 15. accommodate problems.


II. Suggest English equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.


1. нападение при отягчающих обстоятельствах; 2. приставание, преследование, домогательствo; 3. закон; 4. смягчить взыскание;

5. бежать от преследования, гонений; 6. предвестник; 7. утверждение;

8. орган государственной власти; 9. запугивать свидетеля; 10. обя- зательство, обязанность; 11. лицо, имеющее разрешение, патент;

12. прорыв; 13. часто посещаемое место; 14. отягчающие обстоятель- ства; 15. предать правосудию.


III. Match the expressions on the left (A) with their proper translation on the right (B).




1. impairment of speech a. бежать от преследования, гонений

2. make allowances b. отказаться от попытки, прекратить по- пытки

3. uphold the law c. иметь право на что-то, сделать что-л.

4. flee persecution d. дефект речи

5. abandon an attempt e. защищать закон, оказывать мораль- ную поддержку

6. be entitled (to do smth) f. принимать во внимание, учитывать обстоятельства

7. incitement to racial hatred g. расовое предубеждение, дискримина- ция по расовому признаку

8. aggravated assault h. недееспособность, инвалидность

9. mitigating circumstances / i. подстрекательство к расовой ненависти factors

10. disability j. соблюдение (закона), наблюдение

11 employment tribunal l. нападение при отягчающиx обстоя- тельствах

12 racial prejudice=racial discrimination

m. смягчающие обстоятельства

13 observation n. наведение справок, расспрашивание, осведомление

14 inquiry (into smth) o. суд, занимающийся вопросами трудо- вого законодательства


IV. Guess the concept of the following definitions:


1. call or bring into use (a right or a law)

2. a place which a particular person visits frequently

3. lessen the seriousness of (evil, harm, pain)

4. a person who is involved in a disagreement that is examined in a court of law

5. annoying behaviour towards someone that takes place regularly, for example threats, offensive remarks, or physical attacks


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