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Speaking. I. Say whether the following statements are true or false




I. Say whether the following statements are true or false. Explain why.


1. The problems of prejudice and discrimination do not remain among the most difficult, sensitive and important facing society today.

2. Credit for the steady improvement in the sphere of religious discrimination goes to many people: enlightened parents, teachers, and workers in the community, community leaders, sportsmen, entertainers.

3. Special arrangements may have to be made in advance of the trial for the convenience and comfort of the disabled.

4. The racial motivation for a crime mustn’t be regarded as an aggravating factor.

5. After the Second World War, it became the policy of the British Government to encourage people from South Asia and West Africa to come to Britain.

II. Answer the questions about the text.


1. What is discrimination?

2. Why is discrimination one of the most obvious examples of injustice?

3. Why is the problem of racial discrimination so important for the

“island race”?

4. Do you agree with the assertion that Britain has, by comparison with many other countries, been a haven from oppression for ethnic and religions minorities?

5. What is the Domesday Book?

6. How do you understand the expression “discrimination for discrimi- nation’s sake”?

7. Why was the period between 1950s and 1960s so important in the development of laws against discrimination?

8 What problems emerged in the course of the Stephen Lawrence inquiry?

9. What kind of recommendations did the Home Secretary accept after the Lawrence inquiry?

10. Are there any examples of discrimination in the justice system itself? Give examples, if there are any.

11. What do the 1997–98 statistics show?

12. What is called “sex discrimination”?

13. What cases of racial discrimination are described in this chapter?

14. What important laws which relate to discrimination do you know?

15. What is a racially aggravated offence?

16. Why do race issues go to the heart of Britain’s system of justice?

17. Why do Acts of Parliament require the courts to take account of disability?

18. What provision of the Criminal Justice Act 1991 is considered to be a breakthrough in the field of race relations in criminal cases?

19. What instructions are given to those who are sentenced by the court to community orders?

20. Is religious discrimination a criminal offence in Britain?

21. Why are changing attitudes and prejudices always very difficult, and can take a long time? What is a crucial part of this process?


III. Draw up the plan for rendering the text and then summarize it.


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