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See design for description




See design for description


Table Relationships

Each Game has the black player and the white player linked through the tblUser.Id field. With enforced referential integrity this means that the Black and White player will always link to users


Database Query Design


On the frmGame, once a game has finished, if the game was between two human players then insert a new record into the tblGame storing the players who were black and white and the player who won.


INSERT INTO tblGame (GameDate, WhitePlayer, BlackPlayer, Winner)

VALUES ('?? /?? /?? ',?,?,?);


sql = " INSERT INTO tblGame (GameDate, WhitePlayer, BlackPlayer, Winner)"

sql += " VALUES ('" & Date.Now() & " ', " & playerWhite & ", " & playerBlack & ", " & winner & "); "

ds = dbConnector.SQLinsert(sql)



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