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Test Strategy:

Like most of the program in the world, my library system also suffers from errors. I have decided to test my programs before it is hand to Ms. J…. I will use many different testing strategies to ensure that very possible error is considered. I will input both normal and abnormal values to test my system. Hopefully after the testing I can reduce the number of errors to almost zero.

Test Plan

Test No Test Objective Test Method Test Data Used Expected Outcome Actual Outcome Evidence on page No.
  Check the outcome if I leave the input fields empty. For example: Student ID Left the Student ID empty and try to add a student record into database N/A The system will warn the user that it cannot process, and tell user to input correct data. Successful  
  Check if the format check applies on the numbers Enter a non-numeric value into a number field asdfasdf The system will not allow the input. Unsuccessful But resolved  
  Check if the system allows 0 to be the number of a book when adding a book into the database. Input 0 into the number field in the book section when adding a book   The system will not allow the input and it will warn the user. Successful  
  Check if the password system functions properly(This is very import) Enter both correct password and incorrect passwords 1234/4321/book/ 0987/... The system should not allow pass when wrong passwords are entered. Successful  
  Check if the data can be saved after it is altered Create a new student record 10/Tony/ 1234 The data can be directly viewed in the sql database. Successful  
  Check if one student is only allow to borrow 2 books Try to borrow three books at a time using the same student ID N/A The system should reject the third borrow, and warn user. Successful  
  Check if the fine functions properly when student return books within 14 days Try to generate fine when return date is not 14 days away from borrow date. N/A The system should display the fine to be zero. Unsuccessful But resolved  
  Check if the system can process when user tries to borrow a not existing book. Enter a Book ID which does not exist in the borrow frame " 5" The system should warn the user and stop process. The data should not be in the database. Unsuccessful But resolved  
  Check if the report functions properly Open the reports and database to check if they matches N/A The report should match the database. Successful  
  Check if book can still be borrowed when there is no book available Try to borrow a book with number of 0 N/A The system should warn user that no book is left. Successful  



Test# 1:

There is a presence check in most of the input forms. I test the outcome when I input Student Name and Contact but leave Student ID blank when adding a student into the database. Similarly, other input fields will produce the same warn messages when user do not enter anything into it.

Test # 2:

There is also a format check in all fields which only allow numeric inputs. The system should not allow any non-numeric values to be entered into the fields. I tried to enter a non-numeric value into one field and the system failed to response in the proper way.


After a deep consideration of the problem, I added a code into the project and solve to problem. The code is also added into other fields which may have the same problem.

Test # 3:

The last input check is to check a particular value of input. It is the number of a book. The library rules stated that any book that is inputted into the database must have at least one copy. That means the library must buy at least one copy of the book before it is available for the reader to borrow. The system will warn the user if the user tries to do so.


Test # 4:

This test is very important for the system. It is the security check. I need to ensure that the password system functions well to avoid from safety problems. I tested a few group of wrong passwords and tried to enter the system. Only the correct password can let me in.



Only one set of wrong password is shown but I tested many other sets and proved that my system does not suffer from security issues.


Test# 5:

I need to test whether or not the user can save data in the database. I tried to create a new student record and tried to view it in the database after it is inputted into the system. If two set of data is exactly the same, then the system is able to save data.

Examiner Comment: there were also comments and results for all the other tests in the plan, the final test (Test 10) is shown below.

Test# 10:

There is always a chance that some books in the library have been borrowed away and there is no reserve left in the library. I need to check if my system can tell the user that no book is left during a borrow process.

My system can successfully solve this problem.



Example 4c: Draughts Club project.


(iii) Testing (5/5 marks) Mark Comments
  A collection of hardcopy test run outputs with no test plan, or a test plan with no hardcopy evidence may also be present. A teacher may award 1 mark if they have been shown the system working satisfactorily and there is no hard evidence in the project report.   Teacher’s comment –tests are comprehensive and results provided with annotations. Examiner’s comment – there is cross-referenced hard copy evidence for the majority of the system testing all the most important components
  There is little evidence of testing with a badly developed test plan with clear omissions. There is no description of the relationship between the structure of the development work and the testing in evidence.  
3-4 There should be hardcopy evidence from at least eight different test runs cross-referenced to the test plan. However, not all cases have been tested.  
  Evidence of each test run cross-referenced to the test plan is present in the report. Testing should include as many different paths through the system as is feasible, including valid, invalid and extreme cases. Marks may be lost for lack of evidence of a particular test run.  

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