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Evidence of User Testing

A meeting was scheduled with the client and end user (see project diary). The meeting was set up so that the user and client could test the final version of the system in addition to see the written up training and implementation details that had been previously discussed. The user was then asked to fill out a questionnaire type document to provide feedback of any problems with the system and write a letter to confirm that she had seen the system and the installation plan and approved for documentation purposed. The document is included below as evidence of user testing.

M… School

6.. Avenue D.. M.. D.. F.. BP.. M.. C.. France

- Té lé phone 0… - Fax: 0..

e-mail: informationm-school.com

Website: https://www.m-school.com

To Whom it May Concern

I have tested the programme C.. P.. has devised for our POCs reporting system and it works.

I have also seen the implementation plan and agree with the proposals.


J.. H...

Examiner Comment: this letter was on headed note paper and signed by the client, there was also a completed questionnaire, see below.

Dear Mrs H…

Below I have put a questionnaire to collect feedback about the system experience and the discussed installation procedure. Please answer all questions if possible and provide any addition notes if you feel it necessary. At the end please provide your signature to confirm that you have read and completed this questionnaire.


6.5 Support documentation [Total 10 marks]

(i) Systems maintenance documentation [4 marks]

Much of the documentation will have been produced as a by-product of design and development work and also as part of writing up the report.

The contents of the guide should, where relevant, include the following:

· record, file and data structures used;

· data dictionary;

· data flow (or navigation paths);

· annotated program listings;

· detailed flowcharts;

· details of the algorithms used

· adaptive maintenance to provide for some future proofing


All parts of the guide should be fully annotated, since this is important for subsequent maintenance of the system.

The specifications of the hardware and software on which the system can be implemented should be included.


Example 5a: Garden Centre project.

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