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The following table evaluates the user objectives discussed in section C)i) and gives examples of where the evidence can be founds.


  Evaluation Evidence
  The system has been made as easy to use as possible. Hopefully anyone can start using the system without any training, however, basic knowledge of the business is required. The input form has been separated from the main form so as not to confuse the user. Because the two forms are so similar, the photo placement and command button placements have been switched around between forms, so as to make them look less identical. On screen help has been provided to help the user further, validation rules return text boxes to point out mistakes to users etc. Design pg 31, 33 User Documentation pg 232 - 248
  The inputs can be entered into tblinput and validations are in place to ensure the data is entered in the correct format. Input pg 142-221
  There are several tables in a database that can deal with a lot of data. The tables are set up in such a way that the database is normalised to its 3rd form. The data is all displayed in an organized manner on the main form and can easily be navigated with the navigation buttons. Tables pg 25 – 29 Record navigation pg 89 -98
  Using the main form frmmain the user can easily edit the data being displayed, which changes it in the source tables, thus editing the original data. Using the delete command button, the user can easily delete a selected record on the main form, removing it from the source tables. Editing pg 99-103 Deleting pg 104-106
  The system might not initially save time over the original system, as it requires constant updating with every new offer obtained, whereas the old system required no such updating. This should cost less than a minute per offer entered. The new system should be able to save the employees time however when the offers need to be accessed. Depending on the age of the offer this could save them anywhere from a few minutes of searching the inbox to several weeks of re-negotiating. Data access (navigation) pg 89-98 Finding Data pg 135-141 Input pg 142-214
  Frequently used I replicated inputs have been identified for the entries that require them. These entries have been put in a combobox on the input form frminput. The list for each combobox is filled with the data in the table it saves to. This way any new data that is entered in the combobox is automatically added to the combobox selection list. Input using combobox pg 142-221  
  Using the system it is very easy to quickly find data. This can be done on the main form frmmain either by using the navigation buttons or by using the included find function, which can be called upon using the command button. Find pg 135 -141 Navigation pg 89-98

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