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Analysis of client's response

The client had been given the software almost two weeks before asking for a response as part of a beta test, so the system could be fully tested in use, the user could get used to the system and formulate an opinion on its functionality and suitability. After the client had used the program for a few days, he was asked for an initial impression and ways of possibly changing the system to better suit their use of it.

The client had a few minor issues regarding the layout of the main form, however the functionality of the system was fully approved with as of yet no faults being detected. The layout designs were promptly changed to the manner the client had requested.

The client was given several more days to use the system as a test. The client was then asked for a final opinion on the system over the phone. What followed was a discussion with the client asking specifically how he felt about the final system, considering user-friendliness, functionality and the future use of the program. The client had indicated to be fully satisfied.

As can be seen in the e-mail sent by the client on the 23rd of March, 2011:

  • The client indicates the current, final system is very user friendly: " The program is now very natural and instinctive to work with."
  • The client indicates the current system is of great use to them and will most likely be used by them in the future: " I'm positive that this will provide us years of good use"
  • The client indicates the current, final system lives up to the requirements identified at the start of this project, and that the system performs the task it was planned to do correctly: " It has turned out to be exactly what we set out to obtain"
  • The client indicates that after an extended test period, there are no known faults with the system: " Having had it operational now in the company for nearly two weeks I am confident that all of the issues are now resolved."

Example 6c: Bridal shop project.


(i) Discussion of the degree of success in meeting the original objectives (1/3 marks) Mark Comments
  Some discussion about the success, or otherwise, of the work, but with no reference to the specification set out in (c)(i).   Teacher’s comment – none Examiner’s comment – very brief, provides little evidence just repeats requirements
  Some discussion about a number of the objectives set out in (c)(i), but some omissions or inadequate explanation of success or failure.  
  A full discussion, taking each objective mentioned in (c)(i) and explaining the degree of success in meeting them, indicating where in the project evidence can be found to support this or giving reasons why they were not met.  

(ii) Evaluate the client’s and user’s response to the system (1/3 marks) Mark Comments
  Some effort has been made to make the system user-friendly, but the user still has difficulty using the system.   Teacher’s comment – none Examiner’s comment – letter not authenticated, desirable extensions not required.
  The system is, in the main, user-friendly, but there is room for improvement (e.g., no on-screen help has been provided). The user indicates that the system could be used but there are some faults, which need to be rectified.  
  A fully user-friendly system has been produced. The user indicates that the system fully meets the specification given in section (b), and there are no known faults in the system.  

Examiner Comment: the response below is minimal, the learner hasn’t drawn on the evidence provided in their project report to support the evaluation; the client’s response appears to be contrived and hasn’t been evaluated by the learner.

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