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EXERCISES. 1. Answer the following questions:


1. Answer the following questions:

1. Why must engineers become ever more scientific and specialized?

2. What are the main divisions of engineering?

3. What specialists are required in any branch of engineering?

4. Why must the engineer also deal with economists?

5. Why do engineers often work in a team now?

6. Can we say that engineering is a profession? Why?

7. What degrees do engineers usually get?


2. Translate the following international words, consult the dictionary, if necessary:

Metallurgist, expert, mechanics, mathematician, generator, economist, designer, turbine, tunnel, radio, engine.


3. Make up sentences out of the two parts:

1. At present there are... 2. It is very difficult... 3. The main divisions of engineering are... 4. So, engineers must become... 5. In designing even a simple machine... 6. Thus, any branch of engineering may require... a) more scientific and specialized. b) the special services of specialists from various branches. c) numerous branches of engineering. d) complicated and specialized calculations are needed. e) to give a satisfactory classification of these branches. f) mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, civil engineering, structural engineering and chemical engineering.

4. Complete the following diagram:

5. Try to translate the following text without using the dictionary:

So What Is Engineering?

The engineering industry makes most of the things that are essential and useful: aerospace, cars, hospital equipment, telecommunications and even the humble kettle. Engineering also makes most of the things other industries need from cash dispensers and electronic mail for the banking industry to microphones and staging for the entertainment industry. In the production of everything from chocolates to the Channel Tunnel, the key individuals are the engineers. It's an industry that still contributes significantly to the wealth of the UK, the very diverse manufacturing industry sector alone generates around a third of the national wealth and employs approximately 32 percent of the working population.

In recent years, engineering has changed out of all recognition. The sheer speed of change in many manufacturing technologies is startling. Thanks to the introduction of computers and new technologies like Virtual Reality, people are more in control than ever. This also means the engineering employers are looking for people with a wider range of skills and personalities: from lone-theorists to more gregarious and practical individuals; from managers who can handle people, lead teams and solve problems, to creative designers with a keen sense of market realities. Engineering needs them all – women as well as men.


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