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Summarize the text.



Working in pairs role-play the following situations:

1. Your friend knows little about milling machines. He asks you questions about the construction arrangement of them. Tell him all you know.

2. One of you is a teacher. Your student has been given the task to make a report on different types of mills. ask him for this information.




1. Choose the sentences which are true to the information of Text 1 (Выберите предложения, соответствующие информации текста 1):

A. Conventional milling is a more progressive method.

B. The rotation of a cutter is called the primary cutting motion.

C. Less heat generated in climb milling and less wear permit higher milling speeds.

D. Climb milling can be used for rough castings and forgings.

E. The magnitude of feed motion is expressed in millimeters per minute.


2. Choose the right Russian equivalent to the following English sentence (Выберите верный русский эквивалент следующему английскому предложению):

The rigidity of the knee and the accuracy of its ways are of paramount importance for the operation of the machine.

A. Жёсткость консоли и точность её направляющих оказывают незначительное влияние на работу станка.

B. Жёсткость консоли и точность её направляющих имеют первостепенное значение для работы станка.

C. Важность жёсткости консоли и точности её направляющих для работы станка ещё не изучены.


3.Choose the right English equivalent to the following Russian sentence (Выберите верный английский эквивалент следующему русскому предложению):

На верхней части стойки имеются горизонтальные направляющие для хобота станка.

A. The top of the column has horizontal ways for the saddle.

B. The top of the column has horizontal ways for the knee.

C. The top of the column has horizontal ways for the overarm.

v Find the equivalents in two languages (Найдите эквиваленты в двух языках):

4. cutting edge A. износ
5. wear B. консоль
6. cutting fluid C. выступ
7. overhang D. режущая кромка
8. overarm E. хобот
  F. смазывающе-охлаждающая жидкость


v Insert the proper words into the following sentences (Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова в следующие предложения):

9. There exist two types of milling: conventional and.......

10. The form and size of the work is usually specified in the....

11. The base of a milling machine serves as a... for the cutting fluid.

12. The... is box-shaped and internally ribbed for greater rigidity.

13. The saddle is the... part between the knee and the table.

14. During operation the cutter is dulled due to....

15.... always increases the temperature of the cutting tool.


v Choose the right variant (Выберите правильный вариант):

16. The primary cutting motion in milling is....

A. The forward movement of the work.

B. The rotation of a cutter.

C. The spring of the arbor.

D. The chip formation.


17. The... serves as a reservoir for the cutting fluid.

A. table C. saddle
B. column D. base


18. Feed gearbox is contained within the....

A. column C. base
B. knee D. overarm


19. The knee has horizontal ways for the....

A. table C. column
B. saddle D. pillar


20. Workpieces and fixture are supported on the....

A. table C. column
B. saddle D. pillar


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