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Engine Lathe

This machine is designed for performing a great variety of turning operations under various cutting conditions, including high-speed turning and cutting at heavy stock-removal rates. A wide spectrum of materials can be machined, including tool and heat-resistant steels. The spindle speeds and carriage feeds make it possible to use ceramic and carbide tool, and tools from other superhard materials.

The principal advantages of the 16 K 20 are its powerful drive, the stiffness and strength of its gear trains, resistance to vibration and reliability. The machine is designed for a ten-year service life without an overhaul.

The best features of these machines are the kinematics, the general layout of the principal components, and the arrangement of controls.

The standardized units, namely, the apron and the feed gearbox are manufactured at a specialized factory in Gomel. Their design is well proven, and the components are machined and assembled on a volume-production basis.

Some significant innovations have been introduced in the 16 K 20 lathe, e.g. the non-cutting time has been reduced to a minimum and the machine has become easier to handle.

The four-station tool post ensures a high tool positioning accuracy.

The headstock and the feed gearbox have individual oiling systems. Ample quantities of oil delivered to the shaft, gear wheels, and bearings exclude thermal distortions affecting the accuracy of machining.

The tailstock moves on a compressed-air cushion to reduce wear of the bed ways; the air is mixed with oil to prevent bedway corrosion.

A reliable interlocking system is provided for operator safety. For example, the three jaw chuck is covered with a guard. The lead screw and the feed shaft are covered over the whole length with steel guards. The electric equipment is protected from short circuits by quick-action automatic switches.




1. Give the main points of the text, answering the following questions:

1. What purpose is the 16 K 20 engine lathe designed for?

2. What material can be machined oh this lathe?

3. What are the principal advantages and best features of the 16 K 20?

4. Can you name any innovations introduced in this lathe?

5. What can you say about lubrication of units of this lathe?

6. What is provided on the lathe for operator safety? Give some example.

2. Using the text, give derivatives from the following words and translate them into Russian:

To perform, to turn, to cut, stiff, to vibrate, reliable, haul, to arrange, name, oil, to bear, to lock, safe.


3. Replace Russian words and word combinations by the corresponding English equivalents:

1. The machine is designed for a ten-year service life без капитального ремонта.

2. Надежное блокирующее устройство is provided for operator safety.

3. Some significant нововведений have been introduced in the 16 K 20 lathe.

4. A wide spectrum of material может подвергаться обработке including tool and heat-resistant steels.

5. The four-station резцедержатель ensures a high tool positioning accuracy.

6. The electric equipment is protected от короткого замыкания by quick-action automatic switches.

7. The headstock and the feed gearbox have individual системы смазки.


4. Make up questions to which the italicized words are answers:

1. The lathe is a machine tool for machining surfaces of a round workpiece.

2. The tailstock of a lathe rests on a saddle.

3. To start the spindle one can use either the head or apron control.

4. The cross-slide is mounted on the carriage.

5. The tool holder is clamped by the tool post screw.


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