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Give a brief summary of the text.



Working in pairs role-play the following situations:

1. One of you is a manager in a shop selling lathes. You’ve got a wide range of these machines. Help your customer choose the one he needs for his toolroom, discussing the features of this or that machine.

2. You came to a machine-building plant in Gomel as you have troubles with the engine lathe you bought there last month. Discuss the situation with their representative responsible for repair work.



1. Choose the sentences which are true to the information of Text 1 (Выберите предложения, соответствующие информации текста 1):

A. The lathe is considered to be the most versatile machine tool in the shop.

B. There are very few designs and sizes of lathes.

C. The most common type of lathe is a bench lathe.

D. The front part of the saddle is called the apron.

E. The bed is made of good quality grey iron.


2. Choose the right Russian equivalent to the following English sentence (Выберите верный русский эквивалент следующему английскому предложению):

The standardized units of a lathe, namely, the apron and the fed gearbox are manufactured at a specialized factory.

A. Стандартизированные узлы токарного станка, кроме фартука и коробки подач, производятся на специализированном заводе.

B. Стандартизированные узлы токарного станка, кроме суппорта и коробки подач, производятся на специализированном заводе.

С. Стандартизированные узлы токарного станка, а именно фартук и коробка подач, производятся на специализированном заводе.


3. Choose the right English equivalent to the following Russian sentence (Выберите верный английский эквивалент следующему русскому предложению):

Вертикальное устройство полуавтоматов очень выгодно.

А. The vertical arrangement of semiautomatics is very accessible.

B. The vertical arrangement of semiautomatics is very beneficial.

C. The vertical arrangement of semiautomatics is very complicated.


v Find the equivalents in two languages (Найдите эквиваленты в двух языках):

4. hoist А. подшипник
5. overhaul В. зажимной патрон
6. swing С. лебедка
7. chuck D. капитальный ремонт
8. bearing Е. крутящий момент
  F. макс. диаметр изделия


v Insert the proper words into the following sentences (Вставьте подходящие по смыслу слова в следующие предложения):

9. In a lathe the work can be rotated between centers or held in a....

10.... is transmitted to modern lathes by means of individual motors.

11. The swing refers to the... of work that can be rotated in a lathe.

12. The main casting of a lathe is called the....

13. The... carries the lathe spindle and gear-box.

14. The saddle is designed to carry the tool-post....

15. 16K20 is designed for a ten-year service life without an....

16. A single... can match nearly 20 general-purpose centre lathes in output.


v Choose the right variant (Выберите правильный вариант):

17. Lathes intended for very delicate work are called...

A. gap lathes C. precision lathes
B. turret lathes D. toolroom lathes


18. The lathe spindle is carried by....

A. headstock C. saddle
B. apron D. chuck


19. To load heavy workpieces, vertical semiautomatics can be fitted with a....

A. handwheel C. hoist
B. saddle D. sleeve


20. The lathe toolpost is carried by the....

A. apron C. hoist
B. turret D. saddle


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